Tuesday 24 July 2018

Manifesting can bring up deep beliefs and issues

Be careful what you wish for?
Ah yes - a lesson I have learnt over and over again.

Even in the midst of trying to improve mindset and positive thinking we can certainly be effected by triggering early learning from our family of origin that is exposed as we bring our attention to it.

We are only as strong as our inner most scars and triggers.

Often, just when you are trying to get stronger, those triggers spark because the inner most voice tells us that we can't.

This voice was placed there by someone who may have wanted us to be safe, or may have just been a crazy person wanting to only please themselves.

Either way, we learned that we had no power to make our lives better.

So, many years later after trying and failing, here we are again, being in a small place of willingness to once again make that life affirming change and yet again that little voice screams....'no you can't'.

Our inner little witch child is speaking to us - crying out to be recognised and to be allowed to live in the power and truth that it knows.

My last epic fail to soothe my own inner child has led to more commitment than ever, as I do not wish to leave this world not having forged a bridge to cross and get over it.

So, as I am still treating my child, I need to:

2. Create a way of rewarding my inner child every time she does good. Something I forget to do and you and I both know that often we rarely, as adults, feel that others appreciate all the things we do and when we make marked achievements in our own growth and advancement.

No matter how old we are our own small voice that was never healed, nor loved, nor seen, or heard, nor touched, or whatever we missed out on or were forced to endure still screams with the same intensity.

So we do need to treat it as a child screaming for the primal needs to be fulfilled before we can become whole.

We can, if you like, call this shadow work.

Dealing with that part of ourselves that lingers in the darkened edges of our life.

As with trying to give up a bad habit - we have to keep trying.
We have to hold out our hand and invite that darkness back and look at it fairly and squarely in the face and call it out for what it is.

We can no longer blame the people who gave that voice breath.

As we are now adults and we are responsible for all that we do.

Remember - whenever you talk to yourself the Universe is listening  and she will only give you what you think you deserve.

Speak gently to yourself.

Let's explore this more in the days ahead.

Friday 6 July 2018

Manifesting the next big step and then falling into the ditch in between

We want to go big and bold.
Yes we do - and everything in our conscious mind tells us that we need to get out of the rut and grow.
It's our time.
We can do this!

We have read the books, done the manifestation videos, meditations and mantras.
Most people think we are a bit insane with the positive vibes we are trying to maintain continuously.

We have culled of Facebook page.
We don't answer the phone from people who are whiny and negative.

We surround ourselves with white light, bubbles, angels.

And then.
It happens.

We get a break.
Something comes our way.

It could be small or it could be massive.

But it's here.

And as we take the leap of faith... because now we must...we have asked for a sign and here it is.

Underneath our feet appears a HUGE abyss.
The abyss -from here to there.

The abyss that rises and says, if you do this you will be changing your future.

Its a sliding doors moment.

So what are your thoughts right now?
What's going on in your body?
Are you frightened of the consequences?
Is your stomach in knots?
Not sleeping?

For me, it has been a matter of realising that I will have to work harder.
This working harder business stopped me every time.

I watched my father work hard all his life and get no where.
I also watched him not take up a rare opportunity in his life time that would have seen him working as an artist for a magazine because he didn't want to take the risk, as he was the single bread winner for his family.

The job he might have gotten would have been astounding - but it would have meant moving states. The job he had was on a factory floor, mind numbing and hard - but it was secure.

This frozen moment for him has stayed with me forever.
He chose to not take the risk.
That was a brave decision - to know that the rest of his life he would remain on that factory floor until they made him redundant.
Until they said, we don't need you any more.

So whenever I have had a prospective opportunity come up - I have swayed to the 'don't take the risk' scenario.
If you do it - it will just mean more hard work and you will never get anywhere anyway.

You want money - but you are not prepared to change your present situation ENOUGH.
You know the pain you are in - you are used to it.
Moving to a new pain (and it always been seen as pain) won't achieve anything.

These are the thoughts I have.

And so in the midst of that step into the abyss.
I change my mind  and step back.

Its much safer staying in the pain that I know.

So I go back onto the roundabout and wonder why nothing ever comes my way.

Do you have the same issues?


Just think about that today.
Think about whether there is part of you that is so scared to succeed that you trip yourself up as you step into the abyss.

You may find that you do - just like I did.

May your weekend open up many new possibilities.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Hey, how are you doing?

Sometimes all we want is someone to check in and make sure we are still alive.
Sometimes its just about going, "Hey, want to meet up for a cuppa and talk shit?"

Being switched on 24/7 can lead to being too obsessive about our lives where we just create more problems for ourselves by over thinking every next move and idea.

Remember that we do not have to keep a watchful eye over everything that happens in our lives in the attempt to try an avoid the next disaster.

Sometimes shit just happens no matter how we have tried to conjour, create, manifest and be in control of our lives and the events that surround it.

We COULD stay locked up in our homes and never come out!

But, that would be a disaster and there is a syndrome for the poor individuals that suffer from such a debilitating illness.

So we face each day with a bright expectation of GOOD but in fullness knowing that nothing and or everything might just happen.

So, this weekend, allow yourself time to strip away the obsessiveness of being in total control.
You may find that when you just allow the Universe to work for you that strange and wonderful things start to happen.

For within control, you also may be keeping the magickal in life at bay.
You may be so worried about doing the right thing and knowing each and every scenario inside out that you disallow the magick to happen.

Take a moment to be nice to someone and check with them this weekend - pay the goodness in your heart forward with an email, snapchat, message, call or face to face emotional connection from your heart to theirs.

It will be a seriously witchy thing to do.

Words and thoughts original - The Secret Witch

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Getting the Attention of your Chosen God or Goddess

Let it be known that the inspiration for this post is coming from readings from the blog  "Keeping her Keys" by Cyndi Brannen.

Cyndi talks specifically about connecting with Hekate, who I am currently working with, but her message here is wide and sings true to any of us who sometimes feel that we are left alone in our most hurt filled states of aloneness.
We think..is anyone listening?
Can anyone hear us?

When we are working with the energies of the Gods and Goddesses our efforts need to be focused on taking in the strengths of those particular entities so that our lives can be enriched by what their teachings are.

Because we see these energies as being very much alive and that our Gods and Goddesses are much easier to imagine if they are actually made human we must treat them as we would good friends.

Why would someone want to speak to you if you only call them occasionally or only if you want something?
Why would someone want to be close to you in you are constantly in their face asking for help especially since they have been teaching you to be self resilient.
Would you keep talking if no one was listening?

If you cannot learn from the teachings of your Gods and Goddesses then you should not be asking anything from their either.

There are many to choose from and the first step is to make the right choice.
What you think you may want may not be what is right for you.

If so, your chosen God/dess will be distant and will not communicate.
There will be little in the form of signs or there may be many as you get the signal that you should be looking elsewhere for your answers.

Often we are asked to dig deeper and to see that what we want from our chosen ancient one is not what we are going to get.

So, for instance, asking for a new partner or love in your life may turn out to really be about accepting the challenge to learn to love oneself first, or to find courage to stand on our own, or to find the strength the accept that part of our life journey may be about trusting that aloneness is not the same as loneliness.

When you find that the nudge is that you need to listen to - then listen.

Those chosen God/desses are still there  but they are telling you that it is not their place to help you right now and that you need to understand that you need to look in a different direction which may require is stronger or gentler presence.

Ask for help in a mediation or during a ritual and then wait patiently for the signs to be clear.
If you really wish to achieve your goals the answers will be there.
Don't ignore them.

What is Magickal Thinking and can it help me?

Magical thinking  is the belief that one's ideas,  thoughts , wishes, or actions can influence the course of events in the physical ...