Here is our next full moon and this one is all about staying cool, calm and collected cause sh#t is gonna hit the fan!
So as people's fugly side might come out during full moons, just know that this is something that they may have been holding in and finally they cannot hold it in any more and now the real truth is coming out. The moon in it's fullness can do that.
They don't call it lunacy for nothing.
The term "lunatic" derives from the Latin word lunaticus, which originally referred mainly to epilepsy and madness, as diseases thought to be caused by the moon.
KJV records "lunatick" in Mt 17:15 and Mt 4:24. By the fourth and fifth centuries astrologers were commonly using the term to refer to neurological and psychiatric diseases. Philosophers such as Aristotle and Pliny the Elder argued that the full moon induced insane individuals with bipolar disorder by providing light during nights which would otherwise have been dark, and affecting susceptible individuals through the well-known route of sleep deprivation.
Until at least 1700 it was also a common belief that the moon influenced fevers, rheumatism, episodes of epilepsy and other diseases. (Thank you Wikipedia)
So even though we have moments of the reality of some people and situations - this may all settle again after the full moon period is over and everyone returns back to normal.
Or puts their masks back in place.
Sometimes the best idea is to do your own stuff during full moons and consciously stick to creating, manifesting whilst also clearing and removing.
How can that work?
Do the clearing and removal one day during the full moon - thus making space and letting the Universe know that you are serious.
You should wake the next morning feeling ready to rock and roll with your manifesting and 'bringing in' what you now wish to take the empty space you created yesterday.
This doesn't have to take long.
Don't get hung up with rituals and hours of prep - you will end up not doing it.
Its about the psychology of the process not the process.
Its about remembering that we have the ability to make and create change.
So we practice this on a regular basis - we learn to say no and I don't want this in my life and this is not for my better good.
It is also a way of checking in with ourselves - how has our month gone?
Before we know it our months and weeks are running and we hear ourselves saying, my, how time flies!
Keep an eye out on who is hurting also.
Not only people suffer from a rise of anger, but they can also suffer from a rise of sadness.
Lend a hand to those that can be in a rough patch.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Monday, 25 June 2018
Beware the False Manifestors!
We have all been bitten, once, twice, three times or like me...done over so many times I have forgotten what number I am up to.
Duped, lied to, conned, stabbed in the back.
Those that appear to be one thing but turn out to be another. Those who call themselves your friend.
They sing to you sweet songs but all the while they use devious methods and gain trust and friendship only to use those same things to open you up and then manipulate you for their own gain.
These characters are led by the negative energies that abound on Earth and that can often feel far stronger and more capable than any of the loving Gods and Goddesses we like to work with.
It is worth knowing those energies by name and character as you will find them in real life taking on the souls of humans that you know or come into contact with.
They are the tricksters, the dark ones who are without souls, without morals,without consciousness and who work only for their own gain and for power and control.
To appeal to their good side can lead to epic failure as they do not have one - or it has been removed or buried so deeply that it no longer has influence on them. Their desire to be the centre of all things is as ancient as all the Gods we know.
This character, this type of energy existed within the landscape of our ancestors and indeed it has embedded itself in many who live upon this Earth right now.
And, witches, we need to be aware of them.
We need to recognise them for who they are - shape-shifters who appear as one thing but are something else all together.
Often their disguise is so good that we do not recognise the truth until it is too late.
The damage has been done and they go off to choose their next victim and we are left picking up the pieces of our shattered souls.
These manifestors are strong because they have no rules.
They do not care who they hurt to get what they want.
They do not feel accountable to anyone and also manipulate to weak to act as their minions.
These are the most harmful and toxic people that you can associate with.
It is useful to know their tactics and their ways of acting out because they all do it the same way.
They learn at the feet of the same Gods - and you cannot change their behaviours.
They make you like them - they are likeable, that is their weapon of choice, the cloak of another persona which can chop and change at will.
As long as you play their game you are fine and in the inner circle.
But look beyond the mask and see the reality and your security is gone.
They know you have infiltrated their elaborate disguises and you are targeted for destruction.
Learn about the good but more so learn about the bad.
Take time to study the Gods of destruction, the jokers, jesters, the clowns, the manifestors of disguise, the narcissists, the energy vampires.
They are in every where.
As a master manifestor you MUST recognise them sooner than later. Learn to step back from these people and not rescue them. They don't want rescue. They play these games on every weak soul they come across and they only see you as weak.
They hate weakness yet love what they can do with it.
You must remove emotion and fight fire with fire.
I remind myself of these truths as I have yet again seen beyond the disguise of some this week.
And it is important to reflect upon the teachings that have reawakened my awareness.
Saturday, 23 June 2018
For the Older Witch
So you may be in your croning years.
You may be over the black velvet and crystal jewellery.
Your pentagram tattoos may be a bit faded now.
You may be revelling in wearing whatever the hell you want and adding to your tattoo collection.
You may be finally disconnected from the corporate life that kept you tied into the grinding soul-less treadmill of making money for someone else and now , finally, it is time to express your true self.
Either way, you find yourself in those years beyond 40.
Beyond 50.
Beyond 60.
You are not dead yet and you are as vital, as dedicated, as witchy as ever.
You may well be a solitary, as many older crones are - we discover that solitude is not scary and there is no one there to criticise us. As much as we want to believe that this 'love and light' is for EVERYONE, many crones feel that they are pushed out of the scope of being seen as the new witchy craze is only for the young and Wiccan.
Yes, yes before you get all huffy and puffy - I know it's not like that everywhere.
But it is a reality for some. Don't complain about what I say until you get to your croning years and encounter this OK!
The wisdom of this beautiful time in life can be the most productive and the most powerful for crones that have been through it all and finally reach their most potent selves.
We no longer care who likes us or what they say about us.
We are not after the most Facebook likes, or the greatest social media following if we are still 'working witches'.
We know that quality far outweighs quantity.
We admire those younger than us that want to learn from our wealth of wisdom through experience.
We may be teaching or mentoring.
Or we may have pulled away completely and are happy to keep our head in books of old lore.
But we are many and a force to be reckoned with.
Many centuries ago the crone was elevated to a high status.
One which others aspired to.
A wise crone was who you went to for advice.
You learnt from her.
You sat in her shadow with humbleness and humility waiting for those words of wisdom to spill from her mouth.
This Sunday I am focusing back on the Crone.
You may know one.
You may be one.
I want to hear from you.
I want you to join me and tell me who you are and what you are doing.
Get in and be who you are, or who you have always wanted to be but couldn't or wouldn't.
This is your time and no one should be telling you 'no'.
Be a sexy mumma.
Be a dynamic diva.
Be a creative crone covered in coloured paint and surrounded by artwork.
Be an oracle.
Be a teacher.
Be silent and solitary.
Be loud and proud.
Be out.
Be hidden.
Be adventurous.
Be you.
You may be over the black velvet and crystal jewellery.
Your pentagram tattoos may be a bit faded now.
You may be revelling in wearing whatever the hell you want and adding to your tattoo collection.
You may be finally disconnected from the corporate life that kept you tied into the grinding soul-less treadmill of making money for someone else and now , finally, it is time to express your true self.
Either way, you find yourself in those years beyond 40.
Beyond 50.
Beyond 60.
You are not dead yet and you are as vital, as dedicated, as witchy as ever.
You may well be a solitary, as many older crones are - we discover that solitude is not scary and there is no one there to criticise us. As much as we want to believe that this 'love and light' is for EVERYONE, many crones feel that they are pushed out of the scope of being seen as the new witchy craze is only for the young and Wiccan.
Yes, yes before you get all huffy and puffy - I know it's not like that everywhere.
But it is a reality for some. Don't complain about what I say until you get to your croning years and encounter this OK!
The wisdom of this beautiful time in life can be the most productive and the most powerful for crones that have been through it all and finally reach their most potent selves.
We no longer care who likes us or what they say about us.
We are not after the most Facebook likes, or the greatest social media following if we are still 'working witches'.
We know that quality far outweighs quantity.
We admire those younger than us that want to learn from our wealth of wisdom through experience.
We may be teaching or mentoring.
Or we may have pulled away completely and are happy to keep our head in books of old lore.
But we are many and a force to be reckoned with.
Many centuries ago the crone was elevated to a high status.
One which others aspired to.
A wise crone was who you went to for advice.
You learnt from her.
You sat in her shadow with humbleness and humility waiting for those words of wisdom to spill from her mouth.
This Sunday I am focusing back on the Crone.
You may know one.
You may be one.
I want to hear from you.
I want you to join me and tell me who you are and what you are doing.
Get in and be who you are, or who you have always wanted to be but couldn't or wouldn't.
This is your time and no one should be telling you 'no'.
Be a sexy mumma.
Be a dynamic diva.
Be a creative crone covered in coloured paint and surrounded by artwork.
Be an oracle.
Be a teacher.
Be silent and solitary.
Be loud and proud.
Be out.
Be hidden.
Be adventurous.
Be you.
Thursday, 21 June 2018
It's Day One of Manifesting Change (Again)
There is no shame in trying and failing.
There is no shame is starting over at Day One when Monday comes around.
Whether it is to try and stop a bad habit, create a new life, become a better person, learn a new skill conquer a fear, repair a relationship.
But we all reach a point where we come to a crossroads where we ask ourselves ,"Is it worth it"?
That is a question you must ask yourself when that time arrives.
This is exactly why some people will find it very difficult to believe in their spells and magical workings.
Not everything can be successful - sometimes shit happens.
But that doesn't mean that you give up if you really, really see the value in what you are aiming for. As an adult with a commitment to the craft your option is to try again.
Your option is to give yourself another chance and look for another way.
It is about putting all that you have read and studied to good use and to bend the Universe enough that she understands your intent and motivations behind your desires.
We are talking here about self improvement, commitment to be the best we can be, to achieve our personal goals. It cannot be about demanding from others what they do not have to give in the first place, especially when it comes to relationships. You cannot make anyone love you. You cannot change a person's basic character traits.
You can, however, recognise a situation for what it is sooner rather than later.
You can recognise a person for what they are and what they want and make wise choices regarding whether a healthy relationship can be formed or not.
You can make an informed and wise choice regarding following a particular path or just simply not wasting anymore of your energy.
You can apply your crafty knowledge to boost your positive outcomes.
After all this is why we study the craft of the wise, isn't it?
To become wise ourselves.
To see the tools as useful in our mundane lives.
To manifest a better life for ourselves.
Passion is a fickle thing.
It can be focused towards the right things but also towards the wrong ones.
This Solstice - look at what drives you.
Look at what you are manifesting - a clear route to your goals or a rocky shaky road filled with byways and meandering paths.
The clearer you are as to the WHY you do what you do the easier it will be to remove obstacles and find the determination to just give it another shot.
There is no shame is starting over at Day One when Monday comes around.
Whether it is to try and stop a bad habit, create a new life, become a better person, learn a new skill conquer a fear, repair a relationship.
But we all reach a point where we come to a crossroads where we ask ourselves ,"Is it worth it"?
That is a question you must ask yourself when that time arrives.
This is exactly why some people will find it very difficult to believe in their spells and magical workings.
Not everything can be successful - sometimes shit happens.
But that doesn't mean that you give up if you really, really see the value in what you are aiming for. As an adult with a commitment to the craft your option is to try again.
Your option is to give yourself another chance and look for another way.
It is about putting all that you have read and studied to good use and to bend the Universe enough that she understands your intent and motivations behind your desires.
We are talking here about self improvement, commitment to be the best we can be, to achieve our personal goals. It cannot be about demanding from others what they do not have to give in the first place, especially when it comes to relationships. You cannot make anyone love you. You cannot change a person's basic character traits.
You can, however, recognise a situation for what it is sooner rather than later.
You can recognise a person for what they are and what they want and make wise choices regarding whether a healthy relationship can be formed or not.
You can make an informed and wise choice regarding following a particular path or just simply not wasting anymore of your energy.
You can apply your crafty knowledge to boost your positive outcomes.
After all this is why we study the craft of the wise, isn't it?
To become wise ourselves.
To see the tools as useful in our mundane lives.
To manifest a better life for ourselves.
Passion is a fickle thing.
It can be focused towards the right things but also towards the wrong ones.
This Solstice - look at what drives you.
Look at what you are manifesting - a clear route to your goals or a rocky shaky road filled with byways and meandering paths.
The clearer you are as to the WHY you do what you do the easier it will be to remove obstacles and find the determination to just give it another shot.
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Winter Solstice Manifesting
Hey, Witchy peeps - the winter solstice is upon us!
Symbolically, the solstice is a time of turning inward into the darkness of the season and into the depths of the unknown that always mark the short days and long, cold nights of winter.
It's a time when, symbolically and in reality, the amount of light that shows the way is short - so you must trust your instincts and intuition to lead you through the greater amount of darkness that surrounds us all.
It is about trust, following your heart, your inner voice and your spirit to lead you to your destinations and illuminate any problems that you may fall into as the path in front is dark and unknown.
Make the solstice day into a ritual day -
Even if you have to work as usual or have a full day of muggle chores, take time to sit with your coffee or tea and draw on some oracle cards or tarot or any other from of divination and ask a few important questions.
Ask your guides to come closer and speak to you in a meditation or through your dreams.
Mark the day with some meditation and bring your ancestors close.
Thank them for being strong and surviving so that you can be here today.
Find a charity to donate to - remember what goes around comes around. As you give you will receive.
Be joy-filled in your donation. It doesn't have to be big. It's the thought and feeling that you have plenty so that you have enough to give to others. Richness doesn't not always mean money in the bank.
Create a solstice altar, bring the outside in by collecting and decorating with dried leaves that have dropped, nature's gifts that can be placed in a special spot and light a candle on Solstice day to mark the end of the shortest day and the beginning of warmth and light returning to this side of the planet.
Remember to give thanks to Mother Nature for providing all that we need and say a prayer for her eternal existence.
A little binding is something that I am not afraid of doing and I, for one ,will be working on a spell to create a difficult road for anyone who wishes to do harm to others or the Earth and all of her creatures for profit or gain which would lead to destruction and pain.
Let's bind those bastards hard.
Also don't forget to be happy and the more of us happy at the solstice the more those energies can permeate our world.There needs to be more of us spreading healing and happiness and joy.
Boy, we sure need it right now.
It is the task of the enlightened ones to do so.
You are important.
What you do is important.
You are tasked with manifesting in your small space which ultimately leads to sending ripples further out beyond your space.
Small ripples turn into big waves so do not think you cannot create change.
You can.
Make the pledge to lead the change the world needs right now during the Winter Solstice.
Blessings of the solstice to you all.
Symbolically, the solstice is a time of turning inward into the darkness of the season and into the depths of the unknown that always mark the short days and long, cold nights of winter.
It's a time when, symbolically and in reality, the amount of light that shows the way is short - so you must trust your instincts and intuition to lead you through the greater amount of darkness that surrounds us all.
It is about trust, following your heart, your inner voice and your spirit to lead you to your destinations and illuminate any problems that you may fall into as the path in front is dark and unknown.
Make the solstice day into a ritual day -
Even if you have to work as usual or have a full day of muggle chores, take time to sit with your coffee or tea and draw on some oracle cards or tarot or any other from of divination and ask a few important questions.
Ask your guides to come closer and speak to you in a meditation or through your dreams.
Mark the day with some meditation and bring your ancestors close.
Thank them for being strong and surviving so that you can be here today.
Find a charity to donate to - remember what goes around comes around. As you give you will receive.
Be joy-filled in your donation. It doesn't have to be big. It's the thought and feeling that you have plenty so that you have enough to give to others. Richness doesn't not always mean money in the bank.
Create a solstice altar, bring the outside in by collecting and decorating with dried leaves that have dropped, nature's gifts that can be placed in a special spot and light a candle on Solstice day to mark the end of the shortest day and the beginning of warmth and light returning to this side of the planet.
Remember to give thanks to Mother Nature for providing all that we need and say a prayer for her eternal existence.
A little binding is something that I am not afraid of doing and I, for one ,will be working on a spell to create a difficult road for anyone who wishes to do harm to others or the Earth and all of her creatures for profit or gain which would lead to destruction and pain.
Let's bind those bastards hard.
Also don't forget to be happy and the more of us happy at the solstice the more those energies can permeate our world.There needs to be more of us spreading healing and happiness and joy.
Boy, we sure need it right now.
It is the task of the enlightened ones to do so.
You are important.
What you do is important.
You are tasked with manifesting in your small space which ultimately leads to sending ripples further out beyond your space.
Small ripples turn into big waves so do not think you cannot create change.
You can.
Make the pledge to lead the change the world needs right now during the Winter Solstice.
Blessings of the solstice to you all.
Monday, 18 June 2018
Manifesting working? Here come the haters!
Can we talk about the elephant in the room?
The fear of being mighty and a mofo manifestor.
What happens when all of your cauldron stirring, candle magick and spell working starts to work for you and your friends start to realise that you are creating changes in your life and becoming the master/mistress of your future in a real tangible way?
There are a number of things that can happen...
You can attract those who want 'a bit of what she/he is having' and they want to know your secret.
You gain admirers who love your positivity and flow and you inspire all of those around you.
You also find that haters start to raise their nasty heads.
Here is the dilemma.
You must decide to make change in YOUR LIFE for YOU and YOU alone.
You must not be influenced by the shit stirrers and nay sayers.
Remember the greatest revenge is to be successful.
This is where cursing, gossip and negativity can put a pox on all of your workings.
So sometimes the mantra of 'be silent' is a very good thing to stick to.
No one needs to know what you are working on (unless you are in the public eye and run a business where it's important for you to put your progress on social media).
Your success is always being criticised and condemned even if you don't know it's happening. It will be pulled apart to find flaws and will be torn down and stomped on. You must rely on your protect techniques.
Some people take joy in creating misery and really being quite awful and of course social media has created a great deal of key board warriors who feel strong on Facebook and can cause untold pain and damage to fragile people. You must be strong enough to block these types not only on Facebook but also from your energy field.
For some secret witches, this is exactly why their manifesting isn't working. There is a subconscious fear of what may happen if all of this really works for you and you have to deal with the fall out as friends and those you do not even know turn into nasty pieces of work.
Turn to you inner strength and build a strong core of resilience.
This must be part of your manifesting techniques - there must be a place in your mind where you totally agree to stand up for yourself and for others on this path.
You will encounter the hate filled.
There are many out there who are jealous of you, of your life, of your choices and feel they have a right to destroy what you are building.
Find your tribe of strong people and keep them close.
You will need them if things get tough.
It's important we understand the dark side of nature.
It's silly to think it doesn't exist and that if we ignore it it just wont happen.
So prepare secret witches.
This is part of your agenda to success.
Get inspired and look for rituals that can help you through low times when you may be feeling defeated or the heaviness of negativity.
The fear of being mighty and a mofo manifestor.
What happens when all of your cauldron stirring, candle magick and spell working starts to work for you and your friends start to realise that you are creating changes in your life and becoming the master/mistress of your future in a real tangible way?
There are a number of things that can happen...
You can attract those who want 'a bit of what she/he is having' and they want to know your secret.
You gain admirers who love your positivity and flow and you inspire all of those around you.
You also find that haters start to raise their nasty heads.
Here is the dilemma.
You must decide to make change in YOUR LIFE for YOU and YOU alone.
You must not be influenced by the shit stirrers and nay sayers.
Remember the greatest revenge is to be successful.
This is where cursing, gossip and negativity can put a pox on all of your workings.
So sometimes the mantra of 'be silent' is a very good thing to stick to.
No one needs to know what you are working on (unless you are in the public eye and run a business where it's important for you to put your progress on social media).
Your success is always being criticised and condemned even if you don't know it's happening. It will be pulled apart to find flaws and will be torn down and stomped on. You must rely on your protect techniques.
Some people take joy in creating misery and really being quite awful and of course social media has created a great deal of key board warriors who feel strong on Facebook and can cause untold pain and damage to fragile people. You must be strong enough to block these types not only on Facebook but also from your energy field.
For some secret witches, this is exactly why their manifesting isn't working. There is a subconscious fear of what may happen if all of this really works for you and you have to deal with the fall out as friends and those you do not even know turn into nasty pieces of work.
Turn to you inner strength and build a strong core of resilience.
This must be part of your manifesting techniques - there must be a place in your mind where you totally agree to stand up for yourself and for others on this path.
You will encounter the hate filled.
There are many out there who are jealous of you, of your life, of your choices and feel they have a right to destroy what you are building.
Find your tribe of strong people and keep them close.
You will need them if things get tough.
It's important we understand the dark side of nature.
It's silly to think it doesn't exist and that if we ignore it it just wont happen.
So prepare secret witches.
This is part of your agenda to success.
Get inspired and look for rituals that can help you through low times when you may be feeling defeated or the heaviness of negativity.
Sunday, 17 June 2018
Monday Manifesting in a new Moon
The moon is still a slither of silver in the night sky.
It is growing and so should our thoughts be wandering towards what we are wishing to bring forward this month.
The winter Solstice is upon us soon adding to the intensity of this period in the southern hemisphere and my mind takes me back to the hardships our ancestors must have endured in their lives just to make it through.
We are cosseted from so much that would have been seen as a wonderful gift hundreds of years ago.
Warmth at the touch of a button.
Connection world wide via mobile and internet.
Air flight
We demand these things now.
And get upset over the most ridiculous.
As I reflect on my manifesting today I also pay attention to that which my ancestors did not have.
I remain grateful that I am living here right now in a peace filled country.
I am grateful for the roof over my head, as humble as it is, and for food in my fridge.
I still want.
And I have to be careful of that.
My ancestors are watching and I can hear their voices sometimes say, don't be too greedy.
Wanting is not needing.
So sweet witches, this new moon, think hard.
Manifest something that you desire but maybe make it something that can also bring goodness and change to others around you.
Let's charge this new moon and the Solstice to come with change, awareness and less greed.
It is growing and so should our thoughts be wandering towards what we are wishing to bring forward this month.
The winter Solstice is upon us soon adding to the intensity of this period in the southern hemisphere and my mind takes me back to the hardships our ancestors must have endured in their lives just to make it through.
We are cosseted from so much that would have been seen as a wonderful gift hundreds of years ago.
Warmth at the touch of a button.
Connection world wide via mobile and internet.
Air flight
We demand these things now.
And get upset over the most ridiculous.
As I reflect on my manifesting today I also pay attention to that which my ancestors did not have.
I remain grateful that I am living here right now in a peace filled country.
I am grateful for the roof over my head, as humble as it is, and for food in my fridge.
I still want.
And I have to be careful of that.
My ancestors are watching and I can hear their voices sometimes say, don't be too greedy.
Wanting is not needing.
So sweet witches, this new moon, think hard.
Manifest something that you desire but maybe make it something that can also bring goodness and change to others around you.
Let's charge this new moon and the Solstice to come with change, awareness and less greed.
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Universe Stop testing ME!!
When does the Universe feel like it's testing you?
When you are at your best?
When you are at your lowest?
Or just every bloody day of the year?!!!!!!
I am sure Neil DeGrasse Tyson would die to find out his quote was included in a hippy dippy spiritual/witchy blog post and I am definitely SURE his words did not have the meaning I am going to give them.
But...listen...The Universe has no obligation to make sense to you.
And the meaning you get from things that happen is based on your belief system and what you have accumulated as results from previous attempts at making this happen and change for you and the results achieved.
If you think you are the only one sending prayers, demands and hopes and dreams up into the Universal cosmos at any given time you might want to think about that again.
The world is flooded with us earthlings wanting shit.
Every single minute of every single day.
Yeah I want stuff too.
But when I want too much stuff all of the time I get something else...
I get stuff I don't want.
Like more friction in my life, more commitment, a run of bad luck.
More stuff means more connection with different sources as all the energies you are attaching yourself to start to collide and interact and slide in on top of each other.
They create chaos as our minds are cluttered with expectations and we sit waiting..putting everything else on hold.
The universe is not testing you.
The Universe is busy just doing it's thing.
Stop asking for the planets and the stars to align for you.
You are battling to be heard amongst another bazillion pleas and cries for help.'ve got to do this yourself and get through it yourself.
Now yes...before you get hot under the collar, you can certainly use the alignment of the stars and the phases of the moon to help manipulate changes.
Our ancestors did that very thing. They chanted, created stories, rituals and believed in the power of connectedness.
I'm not saying that the Universe is totally deaf to you.
But we need to accept responsibility for our foolishness, our mistakes, our crazy arse expectations - and calm that sh#t down.
We also have to do the work and be grateful for small mercies.
Grateful for our ability to read and write and learn and educate ourselves.
Grateful for being able to wake up every day to the possibility of change.
One solid thing THAT IS LISTENING is our subconscious mind dear witches.
That little bastard is listening all of the time.
Listening to us contradict ourselves when we think we want something but deep inside a voice might be hollering 'you don't deserve it'.
Or 'I want such and such to happen' and that sneaky little internal dialogue switches to the beast in your head yelling, 'that will never happen'.
So stop blaming the Universe for testing you.
She is busy.
Feed your soul and your inner voice.
The greatest work you will ever do as a witch on this earth is to master your subconscious mind.
Master the voice of negativity.
Spend every day meditating and getting in touch with that ever present part of you that wants to create a balanced person - control it, tell it to shut up if you have to, become it's master not it's slave.
When you are at your best?
When you are at your lowest?
Or just every bloody day of the year?!!!!!!
I am sure Neil DeGrasse Tyson would die to find out his quote was included in a hippy dippy spiritual/witchy blog post and I am definitely SURE his words did not have the meaning I am going to give them.
But...listen...The Universe has no obligation to make sense to you.
And the meaning you get from things that happen is based on your belief system and what you have accumulated as results from previous attempts at making this happen and change for you and the results achieved.
If you think you are the only one sending prayers, demands and hopes and dreams up into the Universal cosmos at any given time you might want to think about that again.
The world is flooded with us earthlings wanting shit.
Every single minute of every single day.
Yeah I want stuff too.
But when I want too much stuff all of the time I get something else...
I get stuff I don't want.
Like more friction in my life, more commitment, a run of bad luck.
More stuff means more connection with different sources as all the energies you are attaching yourself to start to collide and interact and slide in on top of each other.
They create chaos as our minds are cluttered with expectations and we sit waiting..putting everything else on hold.
The universe is not testing you.
The Universe is busy just doing it's thing.
Stop asking for the planets and the stars to align for you.
You are battling to be heard amongst another bazillion pleas and cries for help.'ve got to do this yourself and get through it yourself.
Now yes...before you get hot under the collar, you can certainly use the alignment of the stars and the phases of the moon to help manipulate changes.
Our ancestors did that very thing. They chanted, created stories, rituals and believed in the power of connectedness.
I'm not saying that the Universe is totally deaf to you.
But we need to accept responsibility for our foolishness, our mistakes, our crazy arse expectations - and calm that sh#t down.
We also have to do the work and be grateful for small mercies.
Grateful for our ability to read and write and learn and educate ourselves.
Grateful for being able to wake up every day to the possibility of change.
One solid thing THAT IS LISTENING is our subconscious mind dear witches.
That little bastard is listening all of the time.
Listening to us contradict ourselves when we think we want something but deep inside a voice might be hollering 'you don't deserve it'.
Or 'I want such and such to happen' and that sneaky little internal dialogue switches to the beast in your head yelling, 'that will never happen'.
So stop blaming the Universe for testing you.
She is busy.
Feed your soul and your inner voice.
The greatest work you will ever do as a witch on this earth is to master your subconscious mind.
Master the voice of negativity.
Spend every day meditating and getting in touch with that ever present part of you that wants to create a balanced person - control it, tell it to shut up if you have to, become it's master not it's slave.
Monday, 11 June 2018
BUZZWORDS are driving me nuts!
Buzz words and made up names to make a business sound unique are driving me bat shit crazy.
Do they do that for you too?
Have we actually run out of words to describe all the different ways people can ask us to join into their groups? Now you have to be a 'creatrix' or be proficient in 'successology'.
Everyone is trying to establish their own business identity. Trying so hard to be different, to stand out from everyone else who is trying to do well in this world.
A new buzz word is fun and can make us feel special when we hear it and want to be it...
This is how businesses attract their tribe, their followers.
But remember at the back of it all they are still businesses.
They tell us things we want to hear.
We can be anything and everything we want to be.
Nothing is impossible.
There is truth in this - we have opportunities now that ever before.
But we can get overwhelmed with the desire to 'be something or someone other than ourselves'.
Being an 'influencer' seems an important task. But the influencer is only influencing others to buy or do stuff that the influencer has been successful at doing for themselves.
For some people, buzz words like 'influencer' and 'successologist' and can be triggers for some of us.
For some, they are the thing that creates an impulse to join in that new gang of creative creatures.
For some, it's an immediate internal angst as due to our life commitments we just cannot join into that opportunity to re-invent ourselves or do what looks so good through the internet screen.
We can't just reach our mid 20's and be a wife or husband - we have to be that AND business people as well having created a portfolio of houses as well.
We can't just reach our 40's and be parents and happy - happiness is not enough because we have not got new cars, a new house, our own business and a magnificent holiday that we can blog to our friends...and oh...are we influencers yet?
We can't get to 50 or 60 and say - thank goodness!! I can now relax.
No!! we can't.
We are expected to have reinvented ourselves at least three times and be running our super blog and instagram and be living the dream. Don't forget to still look perfect and have the most successful and happy family on this Earth.
No one tells you that at that age you have to still be working, you are minding the grand kids in your spare time and you should count yourself God - damn lucky if you are still healthy and so are all your kids!!
This CONSTANT PUSH TO BE BETTER AND BIGGER AND WEALTHIER AND MORE SPECTACULAR can make our lives full of stress and anxiety.
Of course, we didn't have this problem when the internet didn't exist.
We only knew a small group of people usually in our village or community - we didnt care what was happening in the rest of the world.
Now the internet helps us to be jealous of so many more people!!
But that's not you?
You don't feel jealous? You don't feel a slight twinge in the bottom of your gut when you see those posts of what you just could be if you only tried harder, took that extra course, re-invented yourself yet again?
If not - I am not speaking to you. You are cool. Great.You have it all together.
But the person next to you may be feeling that strain after having tried with every fibre of their essence and nothing is improving.
It might be time to get real and say to yourself - this is, what I have right now is not going to improve any time soon.
What can you change?
Sometimes you cant change anything.
It is what it is and you are who you are right now.
Remember the 'right now' bit.
Things change.
Real manifesting is sometimes not about getting the BIG stuff.
The big stuff might be far off but we can still forge a way there one step at a time.
It can be just about finding a place of personal happiness in spite of what you don't have right now.
Manifesting can consist of personal work that takes you inside of yourself instead of bringing THINGS towards you.
Looking into that dark space within can be the hardest work of all but if we are to be realists and change our worlds we have to dig deep within those dark places and do some clean up work.
As above, so below
As within, so without.
These simple words, written is stone so many thousands of years ago are the biggest and most important words that should guide our lives.
We can create illusions on the outside.
But the inside can be very much different and far from what we show the world.
The inside must mirror the outside for us to be fully creating a magical existence in spite of the worries of the world.
This is modern witchcraft.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
Blessings to you all.
Do they do that for you too?
Have we actually run out of words to describe all the different ways people can ask us to join into their groups? Now you have to be a 'creatrix' or be proficient in 'successology'.
Everyone is trying to establish their own business identity. Trying so hard to be different, to stand out from everyone else who is trying to do well in this world.
A new buzz word is fun and can make us feel special when we hear it and want to be it...
This is how businesses attract their tribe, their followers.
But remember at the back of it all they are still businesses.
They tell us things we want to hear.
We can be anything and everything we want to be.
Nothing is impossible.
There is truth in this - we have opportunities now that ever before.
But we can get overwhelmed with the desire to 'be something or someone other than ourselves'.
Being an 'influencer' seems an important task. But the influencer is only influencing others to buy or do stuff that the influencer has been successful at doing for themselves.
For some people, buzz words like 'influencer' and 'successologist' and can be triggers for some of us.
For some, they are the thing that creates an impulse to join in that new gang of creative creatures.
For some, it's an immediate internal angst as due to our life commitments we just cannot join into that opportunity to re-invent ourselves or do what looks so good through the internet screen.
We can't just reach our mid 20's and be a wife or husband - we have to be that AND business people as well having created a portfolio of houses as well.
We can't just reach our 40's and be parents and happy - happiness is not enough because we have not got new cars, a new house, our own business and a magnificent holiday that we can blog to our friends...and oh...are we influencers yet?
We can't get to 50 or 60 and say - thank goodness!! I can now relax.
No!! we can't.
We are expected to have reinvented ourselves at least three times and be running our super blog and instagram and be living the dream. Don't forget to still look perfect and have the most successful and happy family on this Earth.
No one tells you that at that age you have to still be working, you are minding the grand kids in your spare time and you should count yourself God - damn lucky if you are still healthy and so are all your kids!!
This CONSTANT PUSH TO BE BETTER AND BIGGER AND WEALTHIER AND MORE SPECTACULAR can make our lives full of stress and anxiety.
Of course, we didn't have this problem when the internet didn't exist.
We only knew a small group of people usually in our village or community - we didnt care what was happening in the rest of the world.
Now the internet helps us to be jealous of so many more people!!
But that's not you?
You don't feel jealous? You don't feel a slight twinge in the bottom of your gut when you see those posts of what you just could be if you only tried harder, took that extra course, re-invented yourself yet again?
If not - I am not speaking to you. You are cool. Great.You have it all together.
But the person next to you may be feeling that strain after having tried with every fibre of their essence and nothing is improving.
It might be time to get real and say to yourself - this is, what I have right now is not going to improve any time soon.
What can you change?
Sometimes you cant change anything.
It is what it is and you are who you are right now.
Remember the 'right now' bit.
Things change.
Real manifesting is sometimes not about getting the BIG stuff.
The big stuff might be far off but we can still forge a way there one step at a time.
It can be just about finding a place of personal happiness in spite of what you don't have right now.
Manifesting can consist of personal work that takes you inside of yourself instead of bringing THINGS towards you.
Looking into that dark space within can be the hardest work of all but if we are to be realists and change our worlds we have to dig deep within those dark places and do some clean up work.
As above, so below
As within, so without.
These simple words, written is stone so many thousands of years ago are the biggest and most important words that should guide our lives.
We can create illusions on the outside.
But the inside can be very much different and far from what we show the world.
The inside must mirror the outside for us to be fully creating a magical existence in spite of the worries of the world.
This is modern witchcraft.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
Blessings to you all.
Sunday, 10 June 2018
What if Manifesting isn't working?
What if all of this manifesting isn't working?
What if for today you cannot muster any positive vibes...or thoughts?
You are just too plain tired.
Your car broke down.
You have a thousand bills to pay.
You have just done a 12 hours shift at work and you just want to sleep.
Your partner just left you.
Your best friend got cancer.
How do you manifest yourself out of that shit??!!!!
Well, fellow witches, these and all the other things that give us grief are a part of our daily lives.
As we are manifesting... so are others.
And our desires and wishes are only about us....and things we want for a better life.
There are the monsters out there that are looking at far bigger pieces of the abundance pie!!
So big pharma companies and corporations that rule our worlds are also manifesting.
So local councils, community groups and wealthy bankers are also conjuring.
So are leaders of industry and war lords and Monsanto.
So are arsehole neighbours and ex boyfriends and girlfriends.
All plotting, all manipulating all gossiping, throwing around money, lies and anxiety as their tools of the trade.
We live in times where WE cannot have enough and THEY want us to keep thinking we can never have enough
THEY want us to keep buying, live in pain, be constantly in fear of losing what we have, be filled with anxiety and stress, be overworked and under paid, under valued and not appreciated.
And they are BIG!
Not one or two people sitting in front of cauldrons using herbs and waving wands - these bastards wear suits and ties and meet in board rooms and have millions of dollars at their disposal.
So how do we fight this?
How do we push back against that black magick?
That's are hard one to answer.
Firstly recognise that it is real and happening and you have little control over how it will infiltrate into your life - because at any given point in time it will.
But, this is about knowing that sometimes even in our best efforts, manifesting your future will not work totally the way you want it to in the time frame of your choice and with a perfect outcome.
Don't be fooled by those who tell you differently - get real.
Believing that you can change your world and live a better life IS real.
Remembering that the only thing you can really change and MUST change first and foremost is YOURSELF is critical.
The CHANGE starts with you.
The manifestation , the growth, the feeding of total abundance starts inside as we slowly pull away the pain and the feelings of inadequacy.
I am tired of all of those promising lies that keep telling us that we can all be millionaires and have amazing houses and go on terrific holidays. That is SO appealing when you are sitting in front of a table with a pile of bills you cannot pay because you just lost your job.
Manifesting a change comes into its vital strength when you have the courage to go on at that point.
To go, you know what, I'll keep fighting and I'll find more work and I will keep trying until I make it happen.
Manifesting will work if you find that wounded space within yourself and give it some love and attention and hold it strong.
Manifesting will work if you go back to those tenets of the craft that taught our ancestors that those with knowledge have the most power and those with skill are the most sought after.
Keep fighting the good fight and know when you are hearing, seeing and feeling bull dust dear witches.
Know that manipulation can be very subtle and it will stifle all the conjuring that you may wish to do on a very subversive level.
Be strong, teach yourself to be wiser than anyone else you know - then you have mastered the art of true manifesting.
What if for today you cannot muster any positive vibes...or thoughts?
You are just too plain tired.
Your car broke down.
You have a thousand bills to pay.
You have just done a 12 hours shift at work and you just want to sleep.
Your partner just left you.
Your best friend got cancer.
How do you manifest yourself out of that shit??!!!!
Well, fellow witches, these and all the other things that give us grief are a part of our daily lives.
As we are manifesting... so are others.
And our desires and wishes are only about us....and things we want for a better life.
There are the monsters out there that are looking at far bigger pieces of the abundance pie!!
So big pharma companies and corporations that rule our worlds are also manifesting.
So local councils, community groups and wealthy bankers are also conjuring.
So are leaders of industry and war lords and Monsanto.
So are arsehole neighbours and ex boyfriends and girlfriends.
All plotting, all manipulating all gossiping, throwing around money, lies and anxiety as their tools of the trade.
We live in times where WE cannot have enough and THEY want us to keep thinking we can never have enough
THEY want us to keep buying, live in pain, be constantly in fear of losing what we have, be filled with anxiety and stress, be overworked and under paid, under valued and not appreciated.
And they are BIG!
Not one or two people sitting in front of cauldrons using herbs and waving wands - these bastards wear suits and ties and meet in board rooms and have millions of dollars at their disposal.
So how do we fight this?
How do we push back against that black magick?
That's are hard one to answer.
Firstly recognise that it is real and happening and you have little control over how it will infiltrate into your life - because at any given point in time it will.
But, this is about knowing that sometimes even in our best efforts, manifesting your future will not work totally the way you want it to in the time frame of your choice and with a perfect outcome.
Don't be fooled by those who tell you differently - get real.
Believing that you can change your world and live a better life IS real.
Remembering that the only thing you can really change and MUST change first and foremost is YOURSELF is critical.
The CHANGE starts with you.
The manifestation , the growth, the feeding of total abundance starts inside as we slowly pull away the pain and the feelings of inadequacy.
I am tired of all of those promising lies that keep telling us that we can all be millionaires and have amazing houses and go on terrific holidays. That is SO appealing when you are sitting in front of a table with a pile of bills you cannot pay because you just lost your job.
Manifesting a change comes into its vital strength when you have the courage to go on at that point.
To go, you know what, I'll keep fighting and I'll find more work and I will keep trying until I make it happen.
Manifesting will work if you find that wounded space within yourself and give it some love and attention and hold it strong.
Manifesting will work if you go back to those tenets of the craft that taught our ancestors that those with knowledge have the most power and those with skill are the most sought after.
Keep fighting the good fight and know when you are hearing, seeing and feeling bull dust dear witches.
Know that manipulation can be very subtle and it will stifle all the conjuring that you may wish to do on a very subversive level.
Be strong, teach yourself to be wiser than anyone else you know - then you have mastered the art of true manifesting.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Law of Vibration
The Law
of Vibration
within the universe vibrates. This is because everything within the universe
consists of energy.
matter is energy.
Einstein explained
this through his famous E=mc2 (Energy is equal to Mass * the Speed of light
formula showed that matter and energy are actually the same thing.
Matter is mostly empty space with tiny wave-like particles (atoms and their sub-atomic building blocks) vibrating around each other.
Matter is mostly empty space with tiny wave-like particles (atoms and their sub-atomic building blocks) vibrating around each other.
vibrates at different frequencies.
Even something as solid as a rock is always vibrating at a certain frequency.
Even something as solid as a rock is always vibrating at a certain frequency.
This is
because the rock consists of matter, and ultimately all matter consists of
The law
of vibration states everything vibrates. This
includes what we see, hear, smell, touch, taste and the material our
bodies are made of, right through to what we think and feel.
We, as human beings, are essentially walking, talking vibration sensors since all our senses are just allowing us to experience our world as a series of differing vibrations.
The Law of Attraction works through a sort of vibrational magnetism.
We, as human beings, are essentially walking, talking vibration sensors since all our senses are just allowing us to experience our world as a series of differing vibrations.
The Law of Attraction works through a sort of vibrational magnetism.
Like attracts like so the law tells us so it is all about aligning ourselves at the correct vibratory rate that suits our mind, body and spirit. Frequencies
attract similar frequencies because their waves match. the idea is that when we settle into a vibratory rate we will attract all things on the same wavelength - people, ideas, opportunities.
When you experience different emotions and different moods, you have different
brainwaves. And when you experience different moods and emotions, those brainwaves you create are sent out to the universe - they can attract the same sort of waves or be attracked to them. ie: misery loves company.
What you watch, read, listen to and allow to enter into your sphere of reference will have an emotional, physical ans spiritual impact on your well being. This is why if you think negatively, you seem to attract negative people and
bad situations. The frequencies you’re sending out are matched with similar
frequencies in life and in the universe.
As we enter into a weekend we have time to work on ourselves and to stop and consider what we have been attracting over the last week.
Now, again, let's be practical and work within our means.
Some things cannot be changed right now - but maybe considering some magickal thinking may allow them to change in our future.
The real magic we can work is the type of magic that changes our lives for the better. It's the type of magick that makes others talk about us and makes them think they we know something that they don't.
And yes we do.
We understand that what we think we create.
What we say we bring to life.
Conjuring first happens deep in our souls.
Manifestation comes from a deep core and belief that we can.
May you find time to apply the magic to your life this weekend.
Blessings to you all.
As we enter into a weekend we have time to work on ourselves and to stop and consider what we have been attracting over the last week.
Now, again, let's be practical and work within our means.
Some things cannot be changed right now - but maybe considering some magickal thinking may allow them to change in our future.
The real magic we can work is the type of magic that changes our lives for the better. It's the type of magick that makes others talk about us and makes them think they we know something that they don't.
And yes we do.
We understand that what we think we create.
What we say we bring to life.
Conjuring first happens deep in our souls.
Manifestation comes from a deep core and belief that we can.
May you find time to apply the magic to your life this weekend.
Blessings to you all.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Hexing Ourselves
What is a magical/psychic attack?
It's a curse or a hex, that's designed to make things go badly for you.
You may think that this is exclusively done by one person on another person.
Not so -
What if the person that does the worst hexing is you?
What if you cannot stop the little voice inside of yourself that runs the narrative of you not being good enough, or that you are a disappointment, a failure, you will never amount to anything. maybe the voice keeps telling you that you are ugly or fat or that you shouldn't ever expect anything from this world.
What if you keep repeating those same phrases every time something goes wrong.
We think that curses come from other people and in most cases - yes, they do.
Sometimes, though, the worst hexing can be laid down many years before hand and then propagated in our own repetitive internal voice.
We can also come up with our own hexing, in an effort to protect us from a world that does not make all people equal.
"I wont get that job so why bother trying!'
"He is so gorgeous he will never love me!"
"I will never finish my course I am just too dumb!"
Sound familiar?
Trying to understand whether we are just having a run of bad luck or whether we are being led by our own flawed internal dialogue (our own continued hexing) can be a challenge.
No one wants to admit that they may be mucking up their own life or deliberately setting themselves up to fail.
But, these curses run deep and can be passed on from one generation to another.
They are often laid into our subconscious from others or from what we hear and see around us. These notions that remain unchallenged lead us to repeat affirmations that what believe is true as in continued failure in relationships, inability to find and keep a job, thinking that you are not smart or capable of achieving anything in life.
This sort of hexing or cursing of self or continuing the hurtful and malicious insults of others is soul damaging.
It is a manipulation and the laying on of terms and conditions of how another person should lead their life to the detriment of themselves.
Yes, hexes and curses are real - 99% of the time they are performed by average people who have not clue about witchcraft. These individuals know, however, that words can be used as weapons against others.
They can be laid as a seed into vulnerable souls that then continue this narrative for years or lifetimes without release.
Beware the words you say to yourself.
Do not perpetuate the thoughts seeded by others or by the fears and doubts that are generated by those in authority.
Know when an 'unhexing' may be necessary and seek help from a spiritual counsellor, a doctor or medical professional so that you can gain control back over your life and remove or at least shut down those voices.
It's a curse or a hex, that's designed to make things go badly for you.
You may think that this is exclusively done by one person on another person.
Not so -
What if the person that does the worst hexing is you?
What if you cannot stop the little voice inside of yourself that runs the narrative of you not being good enough, or that you are a disappointment, a failure, you will never amount to anything. maybe the voice keeps telling you that you are ugly or fat or that you shouldn't ever expect anything from this world.
What if you keep repeating those same phrases every time something goes wrong.
We think that curses come from other people and in most cases - yes, they do.
Sometimes, though, the worst hexing can be laid down many years before hand and then propagated in our own repetitive internal voice.
We can also come up with our own hexing, in an effort to protect us from a world that does not make all people equal.
"I wont get that job so why bother trying!'
"He is so gorgeous he will never love me!"
"I will never finish my course I am just too dumb!"
Sound familiar?
Trying to understand whether we are just having a run of bad luck or whether we are being led by our own flawed internal dialogue (our own continued hexing) can be a challenge.
No one wants to admit that they may be mucking up their own life or deliberately setting themselves up to fail.
But, these curses run deep and can be passed on from one generation to another.
They are often laid into our subconscious from others or from what we hear and see around us. These notions that remain unchallenged lead us to repeat affirmations that what believe is true as in continued failure in relationships, inability to find and keep a job, thinking that you are not smart or capable of achieving anything in life.
This sort of hexing or cursing of self or continuing the hurtful and malicious insults of others is soul damaging.
It is a manipulation and the laying on of terms and conditions of how another person should lead their life to the detriment of themselves.
Yes, hexes and curses are real - 99% of the time they are performed by average people who have not clue about witchcraft. These individuals know, however, that words can be used as weapons against others.
They can be laid as a seed into vulnerable souls that then continue this narrative for years or lifetimes without release.
Beware the words you say to yourself.
Do not perpetuate the thoughts seeded by others or by the fears and doubts that are generated by those in authority.
Know when an 'unhexing' may be necessary and seek help from a spiritual counsellor, a doctor or medical professional so that you can gain control back over your life and remove or at least shut down those voices.
Many people also choose to see a spiritual therapist or healer as a way of determining whether they're the victim of a hex or a curse, but if you do this, bear in mind that your own fears and worries may effect the outcome. It's better to have it done by an objective party who isn't aware of your concerns. .
Sunday, 3 June 2018
Mondays - Good or Bad?
Monday's can be chaotic and leave you wondering why you are even bothering with any daily rituals as you drop back into your Muggle life after a Witchy weekend being your true self.
Its a great reminder that we do live in a world that is varied and complex and that all of us may wear different masks and different personas as we move from one aspect of our lives into another.
That thud back to Earth can be harsh as we wipe off the black eye shadow and cover up tattoos, if they are not allowed at your 'day job'.
So you may understand when I say, 'how do we keep that vibe going during the week'?
Not everyone has to see your witchy soul especially when it will bring snide remarks and sarcasm.
"So, did you sacrifice anyone on the weekend?"
"Did you run around naked under the full moon last week?"
If you don't want to answer those questions - avoid telling people what you do in your fee time.
You can still wear your soul next to your heart.
Remind yourself of your true passion by your pentacle hidden under your clothing, or a crystal in your pocket or a charm in your bag or in your car.
Wear a witch scent and look after your food preferences on Mondays.
A good Monday can set up the rest of the week - a crap Monday can pull you down very quickly and have you feeling very vulnerable and weak and not handling what comes before you.
Also take time to just check in with others on Mondays.
Maybe you have a family member who is lonely or a friend who is depressed.
Maybe someone needs some help or you see the Salvo's with a donation tin.
Give of yourself - a witch must give to others and share their abundance of soul and giving , even just a few minutes to some else who is struggling can be very life affirming and soul soothing.
The world has far more people in distress than those that are happy.
Remember to ask your Gods and Goddesses for strength and purpose and use all of those magickal ideas you have been studying to pull yourself out of any funky stuff that is 'sucking the life out of you' as a friend of mine wrote to me this morning.
Connect with your tribe.
I wish you all a blessed week!
Its a great reminder that we do live in a world that is varied and complex and that all of us may wear different masks and different personas as we move from one aspect of our lives into another.
That thud back to Earth can be harsh as we wipe off the black eye shadow and cover up tattoos, if they are not allowed at your 'day job'.
So you may understand when I say, 'how do we keep that vibe going during the week'?
Not everyone has to see your witchy soul especially when it will bring snide remarks and sarcasm.
"So, did you sacrifice anyone on the weekend?"
"Did you run around naked under the full moon last week?"
If you don't want to answer those questions - avoid telling people what you do in your fee time.
You can still wear your soul next to your heart.
Remind yourself of your true passion by your pentacle hidden under your clothing, or a crystal in your pocket or a charm in your bag or in your car.
Wear a witch scent and look after your food preferences on Mondays.
A good Monday can set up the rest of the week - a crap Monday can pull you down very quickly and have you feeling very vulnerable and weak and not handling what comes before you.
Also take time to just check in with others on Mondays.
Maybe you have a family member who is lonely or a friend who is depressed.
Maybe someone needs some help or you see the Salvo's with a donation tin.
Give of yourself - a witch must give to others and share their abundance of soul and giving , even just a few minutes to some else who is struggling can be very life affirming and soul soothing.
The world has far more people in distress than those that are happy.
Remember to ask your Gods and Goddesses for strength and purpose and use all of those magickal ideas you have been studying to pull yourself out of any funky stuff that is 'sucking the life out of you' as a friend of mine wrote to me this morning.
Connect with your tribe.
I wish you all a blessed week!
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What is Magickal Thinking and can it help me?
Magical thinking is the belief that one's ideas, thoughts , wishes, or actions can influence the course of events in the physical ...

What if all of this manifesting isn't working? What if for today you cannot muster any positive vibes...or thoughts? You are just too ...
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