Can we talk about the elephant in the room?
The fear of being mighty and a mofo manifestor.
What happens when all of your cauldron stirring, candle magick and spell working starts to work for you and your friends start to realise that you are creating changes in your life and becoming the master/mistress of your future in a real tangible way?
There are a number of things that can happen...
You can attract those who want 'a bit of what she/he is having' and they want to know your secret.
You gain admirers who love your positivity and flow and you inspire all of those around you.
You also find that haters start to raise their nasty heads.
Here is the dilemma.
You must decide to make change in YOUR LIFE for YOU and YOU alone.
You must not be influenced by the shit stirrers and nay sayers.
Remember the greatest revenge is to be successful.
This is where cursing, gossip and negativity can put a pox on all of your workings.
So sometimes the mantra of 'be silent' is a very good thing to stick to.
No one needs to know what you are working on (unless you are in the public eye and run a business where it's important for you to put your progress on social media).
Your success is always being criticised and condemned even if you don't know it's happening. It will be pulled apart to find flaws and will be torn down and stomped on. You must rely on your protect techniques.
Some people take joy in creating misery and really being quite awful and of course social media has created a great deal of key board warriors who feel strong on Facebook and can cause untold pain and damage to fragile people. You must be strong enough to block these types not only on Facebook but also from your energy field.
For some secret witches, this is exactly why their manifesting isn't working. There is a subconscious fear of what may happen if all of this really works for you and you have to deal with the fall out as friends and those you do not even know turn into nasty pieces of work.
Turn to you inner strength and build a strong core of resilience.
This must be part of your manifesting techniques - there must be a place in your mind where you totally agree to stand up for yourself and for others on this path.
You will encounter the hate filled.
There are many out there who are jealous of you, of your life, of your choices and feel they have a right to destroy what you are building.
Find your tribe of strong people and keep them close.
You will need them if things get tough.
It's important we understand the dark side of nature.
It's silly to think it doesn't exist and that if we ignore it it just wont happen.
So prepare secret witches.
This is part of your agenda to success.
Get inspired and look for rituals that can help you through low times when you may be feeling defeated or the heaviness of negativity.
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