Sunday, 3 June 2018

Mondays - Good or Bad?

Monday's can be chaotic and leave you wondering why you are even bothering with any daily rituals as you drop back into your Muggle life after a Witchy weekend being your true self.

Its a great reminder that we do live in a world that is varied and complex and that all of us may wear different masks and different personas as we move from one aspect of our lives into another.

That thud back to Earth can be harsh as we wipe off the black eye shadow and cover up tattoos, if they are not allowed at your 'day job'.

So you may understand when I say, 'how do we keep that vibe going during the week'?

Not everyone has to see your witchy soul especially when it will bring snide remarks and sarcasm.
"So, did you sacrifice anyone on the weekend?"
"Did you run around naked under the full moon last week?"

If you don't want to answer those questions - avoid telling people what you do in your fee time.

You can still wear your soul next to your heart.
Remind yourself of your true passion by your pentacle hidden under your clothing, or a crystal in your pocket or a charm in your bag or in your car.

Wear a witch scent and look after your food preferences on Mondays.
A good Monday can set up the rest of the week - a crap Monday can pull you down very quickly and have you feeling very vulnerable and weak and not handling what comes before you.

Also take time to just check in with others on Mondays.
Maybe you have a family member who is lonely or a friend who is depressed.
Maybe someone needs some help or you see the Salvo's with a donation tin.
Give of yourself - a witch must give to others and share their abundance of soul and giving , even just a few minutes to some else who is struggling can be very life affirming and soul soothing.

The world has far more people in distress than those that are happy.

Remember to ask your Gods and Goddesses for strength and purpose and use all of those magickal ideas you have been studying to pull yourself out of any funky stuff that is 'sucking the life out of you' as a friend of mine wrote to me this morning.

Connect with your tribe.

I wish you all a blessed week!

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