What if all of this manifesting isn't working?
What if for today you cannot muster any positive vibes...or thoughts?
You are just too plain tired.
Your car broke down.
You have a thousand bills to pay.
You have just done a 12 hours shift at work and you just want to sleep.
Your partner just left you.
Your best friend got cancer.
How do you manifest yourself out of that shit??!!!!
Well, fellow witches, these and all the other things that give us grief are a part of our daily lives.
As we are manifesting... so are others.
And our desires and wishes are only about us....and things we want for a better life.
There are the monsters out there that are looking at far bigger pieces of the abundance pie!!
So big pharma companies and corporations that rule our worlds are also manifesting.
So local councils, community groups and wealthy bankers are also conjuring.
So are leaders of industry and war lords and Monsanto.
So are arsehole neighbours and ex boyfriends and girlfriends.
All plotting, all manipulating all gossiping, throwing around money, lies and anxiety as their tools of the trade.
We live in times where WE cannot have enough and THEY want us to keep thinking we can never have enough
THEY want us to keep buying, live in pain, be constantly in fear of losing what we have, be filled with anxiety and stress, be overworked and under paid, under valued and not appreciated.
And they are BIG!
Not one or two people sitting in front of cauldrons using herbs and waving wands - these bastards wear suits and ties and meet in board rooms and have millions of dollars at their disposal.
So how do we fight this?
How do we push back against that black magick?
That's are hard one to answer.
Firstly recognise that it is real and happening and you have little control over how it will infiltrate into your life - because at any given point in time it will.
But, this is about knowing that sometimes even in our best efforts, manifesting your future will not work totally the way you want it to in the time frame of your choice and with a perfect outcome.
Don't be fooled by those who tell you differently - get real.
Believing that you can change your world and live a better life IS real.
Remembering that the only thing you can really change and MUST change first and foremost is YOURSELF is critical.
The CHANGE starts with you.
The manifestation , the growth, the feeding of total abundance starts inside as we slowly pull away the pain and the feelings of inadequacy.
I am tired of all of those promising lies that keep telling us that we can all be millionaires and have amazing houses and go on terrific holidays. That is SO appealing when you are sitting in front of a table with a pile of bills you cannot pay because you just lost your job.
Manifesting a change comes into its vital strength when you have the courage to go on at that point.
To go, you know what, I'll keep fighting and I'll find more work and I will keep trying until I make it happen.
Manifesting will work if you find that wounded space within yourself and give it some love and attention and hold it strong.
Manifesting will work if you go back to those tenets of the craft that taught our ancestors that those with knowledge have the most power and those with skill are the most sought after.
Keep fighting the good fight and know when you are hearing, seeing and feeling bull dust dear witches.
Know that manipulation can be very subtle and it will stifle all the conjuring that you may wish to do on a very subversive level.
Be strong, teach yourself to be wiser than anyone else you know - then you have mastered the art of true manifesting.
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I just wanted to say that you write some beautiful words. It’s great to hear them from an Aussie’s voice.