I have been doing a lot of work lately with meditation and mindfulness and connecting more to the world as a whole.
Meditation seems to many to be something that belongs to other spiritual pathways and maybe not so much to those following a witch or pagan road.
I have not found it to be so.
I have found that connecting in quietness and stillness to all that is around us broadens our empathy and our entanglement to all energies.
In our sensory overloaded world we, as witches, can find ourselves bombarded with stuff that really does not belong in our realm of experience.
We can be bombarded so hard that it makes our path seem lost in a mist of over commitment, of limited time, of too much to do and not enough time to do it in.
We can see the difficulties of others, of being ostracised, of ridicule , of difficulties that are foisted upon us through social media, television, world events.
Yet if you dare pull yourself away from the noise of the world, if you dare unplug - if you were to take yourself away to a spot in nature where you are surrounded by bird song, a stream, leaves whispering in the breeze, what do you hear and how do you feel?
Your mood will change immediately when you connect back with that essence.
For that is the true sound of the world - quietness and calmness and not the crazy noise we have created as human beings busy to get to our destinations and finish our tasks.
We all need to slow down and stop more often that we give ourselves time to do so.
It allows the brain to make sense of all that we are dealing with and allows our own minds to filter the information and store it properly.
If we just keep shoving things in we will end up exploding and just breaking down.
Everyone's computer needs to be backed up, cleaned out and and rebooted right?
How much more sensitive is our brain! How much more precious is our mind - our personal storage system of all there is in our world.
Creating peace within ourselves allows us to feel more in charge and capable.
It allows us to be ready for the next thing to come along and not think that one MORE thing will just break us.
In our quiet moment we can connect with our Mother Earth so that she can clear and cleanse us.
We cannot connect with the ancients, Gods and Goddesses and Earth energies that we work with and grant them the ability to work with our bodies.
If we are forever busy we are just pushing them away and saying I'll find time for you later, and you and I both know that time never arrives.
If we are to be truly witches we must place value on what is VALUABLE to US.
Meditation and Mindfulness builds a strong core. It builds your backbone and a place to start from where you say, "the rest of the world needs to wait while I deal with myself first and get myself centred and strong - then I can come out fighting."
Think about incorporating Mindfulness and Meditation into your daily habit.
Stat with a 2 minute meditation or a 5 minute meditation.
You can find those easily on your mobiles.
Or try silence.
try turning off your notifications, snapchat, twitter etc.
You will actually find that over time your chosen Gods and Goddesses will be able to be heard loud and clear.
Just...give...them...the ...space.. to..do...so.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
A spiritual journey to England
Myself and a very good 'sista from another mother' are going to be heading to England in just 12 days.
This is going to be an opportunity to release the shackles of my daily life, although my life is terrible gifted right now - but, it will be all about diving head deep into witchiness x 1000 as we go on a spiritual journey of deep self discovery.
Both of us have taken on the roles of doing amazingly gratifying work as mediums and it is actually very fitting to go on a retreat right now, and actually RETREAT from the outer world as we look for balance and solace within the witchy corners of England.
We will be heading to Glastonbury and Cornwall.
We will be visiting the Witch's Museum. I have already been, but my sista has not. I could go there 100 times.
In Glastonbury we will be visiting the wells and the tor and just sucking in the vibe as deeply as we can.
We will also be taking part in a 3 day Pendle Hill witch tour which I am so very excited about that I am almost busting.
I may take advantage of doing some rituals and having a psychic reading while I am there and I want to bring home loads of witchy goodies.
I would love to take my sista to Knaresborough to see Mother Shipton's Cave but I don't think we will make it as we have a packed itinerary.
If you are reading this and know of any great sites to visit ( and I know there will be many) that we could go to see whilst in Glastonbury, Cornwall, Pendle Hill and along that route please reply and let us know.
We are open to taking some of your suggestions.
The photos in this blog are all mine from previous visits to England. I would love to share my journey and thoughts with you all. Please hop in this blog during the weeks to come and join me as we journey back to our witchy roots.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Retrograde - Save Yourselves the Angst!
Oh please - oh please, let this pesky retrograde shit be OVER....or is that just an excuse for people to be so senseless and unthinking right now?
Maybe this is just the way the world has become?
Whoever says that the planets don't have anything to do with people's attitudes and behaviours needs to take a walk on the wild side and head out into the wide world - even the local supermarket will do, and you will see and hear things that will make your eyes and ears bleed.
Secret witches we are in a shit storm of human waste at present!!!
Anxiety and anger are rising to levels that reach out there proportions! Empaths and sensitives are on a roller coaster ride of grand scale whoop arse pain and may have difficulty in even staying upright at the moment.
I'm feeling it that's for sure and even though I know I am feeling it, and am trying to do something about it on an energetic level, sometimes this tsunami of human poo poo can get way too much, even for the most experienced witches.
Therefore, if you are overwhelmed right now - we feel your pain. You are dealing with your own stuff plus everyone else's that is flying around in the atmosphere.
And, to follow up on the flying analogy, it's a good idea to follow the suggestion of the air line stewardess when she says, 'make sure you put your oxygen mask on FIRST, before you help anyone else".
It's time to stop helping others.
It's time to look after yourself.
Where I live, it hasn't rained for months either, and, we need a good cleansing storm to wash away the dross of humanity's vileness and selfishness.
But it's dry and no rain is expected for at least another two weeks.
Please take a moment today to light a candle (rather than feeling the need that it would be better served in sticking it up someone's arse) and meditate on bringing back a sense of FOCUS.
And.....just mind your own business.
I don't mean that rudely - I mean it as a survival technique.
Guard yourself, don't give out help, don't seek to be good and a saviour to all.
Grab your Tourmaline, sage the shit out of your sacred space and stay out of people's faces for a while.
Just get yourself through.
That's all I can say right now.
Peace out Sistas and Brothers.
Saturday, 4 August 2018
Have you fu**ked up your life by coming out as a Witch?
Has this happened to you?
Have you sat on 'coming out' for ages and then thought that it was the right time and BAM! your nearest and dearest have thought you are just going through a phase, or have gone slighty new agey, hippy, are back lashing against conservatism?
Have you been a closet witch and have always felt it best to stay that way?
Maybe you have been loud and proud ever since you donned your first pentagram?
Or, lucky you, you have come from a long line of witches?
We hope that we can find community, that being a witch will lead us to like minded people who share our passion for self development and love of the craft but it is not always so.
Sometimes announcing to the world at large that you are a witch is still frowned upon.
I did not really say much about my beliefs to my parents while they were both alive as I know it would have hurt their strong Catholic beliefs.
Plus, I don't think I could have put up with the flak that saying anything would have caused while I was at home.
Later, I was busy raising children and getting over a relationship that did not work - so it was not something that was part of my life.
In my crone years though, it has become an essential part of my life.
Coming home to me!
Being older gives you an ability to not give a f**k as much about what people think.
Most people will find a reason to hate you,if they so wish, and really, is being a witch so bad !!!!! considering all the really awful things humans do to each other?
But, the point of this blog is to say, don't feel that you must come out to validate your beliefs to yourself if it is going to cause so much friction that live will be miserable.
You do not have to prove anything to anybody.
There is nothing worse than having to deal with people's opinions and hatred about something they most probably know nothing about yet are the first to criticise.
You will find the right time and the right place to be you.
And if know one else knows about it - so mote it be.
No one else needs to, because this is your truth and not theirs.
Sometimes silence is the best way forward and truly embracing your pathway to ancient wisdom is much more than just symbolic, where you feel you MUST have an altar, you MUST wear the appropriate garb or you must have a right statuette etc.
We all do it differently and that's OK - but it doesn't make you any LESS a witch by not doing any of that or by not showing other witches that you do.
The most important thing is to get in touch with yourself and keep an open mind to your own growth. You will know when you feel safe to tell your loved ones and you will know when not to.
Some of us live in very conservative areas where it's still a taboo thing.
People still look at me as if I have fallen from another planet if I say something and they think I am even crazier because I am not a teen or having a mid life crisis - I am now a crone and they can still find an excuse ( oh it must be menopause - its fiddling with her brain!)
So grin and bear it for the team peeps.
You know in your heart that some people are not ready for the truth and may never will be.
Stay true to you and you will find your own best way.
I am interested to know if you have come up against a barrier to your beliefs and your craft?
Where has it come from?
Has it stopped you or just made you stronger?
Love to you this Sunday in the Southern Hemisphere.
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