The weekend is coming up and it means many of us are in a different frame of mind.
It's our 'get out of the hell of a full time job' time.
Our energy levels improve as we move out of our working personas into our real soul level personas.
Some of us get to 'get our witch on!'
With that rise in vibration and that elevated sense of happiness that sees us going into our weekends we can use that to create even more profound movements toward affirming and manifesting our soul's desires.
It is all about energy in the end.
It's connecting with the same vibration or in simpler terms finding those that think and feel like we do.
Sometimes you can only go as far as a Facebook tribe for that to happen.
And, bless the Gods that that is possible for us.
So make sure you check in to the groups that offer support and good information.
If you feel a deep thud in your gut after reading posts on groups that's your signal that you are not in the right one.
Affirm how you feel with yourself.
Keep your vibrations bright and positive.
It's interesting just how easy it is to be shot down in flames when you are practising manifestation.
It only takes someone to press your low self esteem buttons to bring you slamming down to Earth.
Especially this weekend, just take it easy and be kind to yourselves dear secret witches.
Keep your manifesting mouths closed - don't share or speak of what you are creating.
The closer you keep your dreams to your heart right now the better.
Let no one sully your thoughts.
Keep manifesting this weekend.
Practice your affirmations.
Have a great weekend. I'll see you on the other side.
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Monday, 28 May 2018
Stepping Off the Hamster Wheel of Life
The more you run, the faster that wheel keeps turning!
We are part of a huge master plan that involves 95% of the world working to keep the other 5% toasty and rich.
This whole idea of manifesting and creating change and designing the life you CAN love has it's limitations and we have to be aware of that.
Manifesting coaches make it sound like all of us can have it all.
We CAN make changes but we may not be able to be rich in the financial sense.
There is a deeper richness that IS available to many more of us.
That is the richness of life itself.
The richness that there is in appreciating what we have and knowing when we are feeding the big greedy machine that serves only a few.
We have become consumers.
We use things to fill the holes and the gaps in our life hoping that those things will make us happy.
As secret witches, of course there are things we cannot live without - our crystals and our books!
That is the delight of being a witch - we allow ourselves to be constantly learning and expanding our world.
We are ONE STEP AHEAD of the rest.
Now, we need to also accept that part of our life will always be part of the bigger circle of being in this world at this time - we will always have responsibilities and we will always need goods and services.
But we can also learn to say NO to things that hurt the planet and all of life on it.
We need to reuse when we can and also to know that sometimes we cannot have the very best and the newest.
Because of our mad desire to have the newest iphone, a worker in China has to wipe 700 screens a day with a liquid that is cancerous.
Because of our need to have everything wrapped in the supermarket we are creating so much landfill that the Earth is groaning under out waste.
Because of our need for new clothes every season children work in sweat shops in third world countries. we really want that or is it being forced upon us so we think we want it?
We can actively STOP consuming these things at the current rate.
We can say no.
This is a start and in doing so it is another way of conjuring change.
Every little thing - EVERY LITTLE THING - makes a difference.
Sunday, 27 May 2018
Crafting with the Full Moon
Just let go for a moment!
Just suspend your disbelief that you cannot create a change in your life.
If you place yourself in that energy for just a few minutes...what does that feel like?
Does it feel good?
Does it raise your heart and elevate your soul?
Now that is the energy you need to be working with when you take the initiative and pull together what you need to create the changes you want.
Its hard.
We get in the groove and then the days pass and turn into weeks and months.
And our desires seem to be so far away.
So, one of the very important witchy tips you need to remember is to keep what you want ALWAYS in the forefront of your mind.
Think about it every day - and, at every moment of your decision making process.
That way each step you take will lead towards your dreams and not away from them.
Some of the best magick is simple ( yet the hardest thing to do).
It's almost full moon time for this month.
Time to gather your spell working ingredients and get them ready to be infused with your hopes and wishes and then to empower your conjurings.
I know we may have heard all of this before,but, it easy to forget the most simplest of tasks as things get obscured in over complications.
If your life is complicated ( and whose isn't?)
The best thing to do is to uncomplicate your spell casting.
Just suspend your disbelief that you cannot create a change in your life.
If you place yourself in that energy for just a few minutes...what does that feel like?
Does it feel good?
Does it raise your heart and elevate your soul?
Now that is the energy you need to be working with when you take the initiative and pull together what you need to create the changes you want.
Its hard.
We get in the groove and then the days pass and turn into weeks and months.
And our desires seem to be so far away.
So, one of the very important witchy tips you need to remember is to keep what you want ALWAYS in the forefront of your mind.
Think about it every day - and, at every moment of your decision making process.
That way each step you take will lead towards your dreams and not away from them.
Some of the best magick is simple ( yet the hardest thing to do).
It's almost full moon time for this month.
Time to gather your spell working ingredients and get them ready to be infused with your hopes and wishes and then to empower your conjurings.
I know we may have heard all of this before,but, it easy to forget the most simplest of tasks as things get obscured in over complications.
If your life is complicated ( and whose isn't?)
The best thing to do is to uncomplicate your spell casting.
Saturday, 26 May 2018
Crafting your Affirmations
What are they - how do we use them?
Are they too fluffy or 'new agey' to work?
Are they all about that Law of Attraction which is
something other people find works for them and not you?
Can a witch still use affirmations without feeling
she/he is doing something that is not witchy?
Bloody oath yes!
The basic of idea of affirmations is to say and
repeat a positive statement to your subconscious mind, which then overcomes
anything negative you may be experiencing.
It is about manifesting your future into the NOW -
feeling it, knowing it and sensing it.
It is turning around your mindset, emotions and
vibrational health so that you resonate within a level that you WANT to be in.
It is about aligning your aspirations and your
wants, your desires and your personal power to a state where you can craft your
world to be what you wish it to be.
A vital key is missing from the
formula that they (the gurus and mindset coaches) often don't mention.
Many people are detached from their true centre of
knowing and power inside – so when they say the opposite of what they are
actually feeling, they feel like they are lying to themselves;
there is no understanding of the power of the Creative Word, nor is there any
real connection to it.
We got back to the tenet - As within -
So without, As above - So below.
You must work to achieve a balance.
What you project must be also felt
inside of yourself.
What you connect with on a spiritual
level must also live in your heart and mind.
You cannot lie to yourself and
expect a positive result!
With affirmations and spellcasting you cannot ‘fake
it till you make it’.
Affirmations take practise and much more than just
repeating words over and over yet being disconnected from them.
All affirmations should be done AFTER a time spent
in focus and meditation upon your chosen Goddesses and Gods or Spiritual guides
– when you FEEL that connection coursing through you.
Then the affirmation will be impressive enough to imprint upon your
consciousness, and permeate the subconscious mind, which automatically
influences the conscious mind.
"The Universe doesn't hear what you’re saying. The Universe hears what
you mean.”
Do it all with meaning, respect and total absolute commitment.
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Keep Going! Don't give up after you start!
Do you want to achieve a breakthrough in life?
This is not a game - you must be ready for change when it comes.
If you wish to be a manifesting giant you need to work damn hard and then say "YES" when your gifts arrive be they big or small.
How many manifesting blogs have you read that tell you just how simple this is!! If it was we would ALL BE RICH!
We would all have what we wanted....and do you see that happening?
For some people it will be just too difficult and there is something wrong about promising a miracle when you know it's almost impossible. So I'm not promising anything. I am not sitting here with a beautiful background telling you how I have manifested wealth beyond my wildest dreams and how my husband has a new car and we have a new house.
My God the bullshit in some of those manifesting blogs is beyond ridiculous.
But also sometimes are WANTS are also ridiculous.
We also want TOO much.
Remember that there are still places in the world where people want simpler things (yet far more important than the next generation of mobile phone) like fresh drinking water or for the bombs to stop dropping on their heads!
The Universe is tired.
She has so many people to deal with now.
She is listening to people's needs and wants every single moment of every single day. She can only do so much and she is busy just trying to stay alive and healthy!!
If we are going to manifest - we need to do this mofo for ourselves.
Let's stop being like leeches and sucking the life out of the Universe and firstly let's love her back to life.
When we have added our energy to the blessings of good health and contributed to a better planet THEN we can align with that good vibe and start to use it to create a better life for ourselves and for the future of our children and everyone else.
This is a bit of a shit on the 'just take' scenario.
I am asking you to give first.
And if all you can do is send out love then that is just perfect.
If you can look after a garden, pull a weed, donate to a charity, look after an elderly person, save an animal from the pet shelter or do without meat for at least ONE DAY A are giving back.
You are changing your vibe to a giving one.
You are manifesting change in the world around you.
So remember the words on the emerald tablet - 'as within so without'.
You cannot create change outside of yourself if your inside is not aligned.
So the saying can be more explicitly stated as “As inside you, so outside of you”. This is the biggest Secret of Life, found inside the tomb. The quote is one of the seven principles of Hermes Trismegistus, author of Hermetic Corpus. As Within, So Without,As above, So below.
The very first aspect of manifesting is to ALIGN YOURSELF with the good that there is in the world.
Move away from as much crap and rubbish as you can that is in your life.
I know this cannot be done by everyone.
But look at what you can change and do it.
If changing one small thing sounds too difficult, then it's just not going to work for you.
It is what it is and it will be exactly as you think it will be.
The bottom line is that it all starts with you.
This is not a game - you must be ready for change when it comes.
If you wish to be a manifesting giant you need to work damn hard and then say "YES" when your gifts arrive be they big or small.
If you want to improve the quality of your life, the time has come for you to manage your strategies.
Your focus and interpretation of events and most importantly, your emotional state needs to be something you are mindful of at all times.
Your focus and interpretation of events and most importantly, your emotional state needs to be something you are mindful of at all times.
One of the biggest challenges that you might face while chasing your dreams is to manage your patience and perseverance along the way.
Consistent massive action and hopeful patience are the key factors in realizing your
Consistent massive action and hopeful patience are the key factors in realizing your
So let me dispel a myth -
No it's not a simple process (everyone tells you how simple it is!)
This requires effort.
Not the Universe's effort to align with you - but your effort to align with what is in the best interest for YOU.
It's about taking responsibility for your needs yourself.
We would all have what we wanted....and do you see that happening?
For some people it will be just too difficult and there is something wrong about promising a miracle when you know it's almost impossible. So I'm not promising anything. I am not sitting here with a beautiful background telling you how I have manifested wealth beyond my wildest dreams and how my husband has a new car and we have a new house.
My God the bullshit in some of those manifesting blogs is beyond ridiculous.
But also sometimes are WANTS are also ridiculous.
We also want TOO much.
Remember that there are still places in the world where people want simpler things (yet far more important than the next generation of mobile phone) like fresh drinking water or for the bombs to stop dropping on their heads!
The Universe is tired.
She has so many people to deal with now.
She is listening to people's needs and wants every single moment of every single day. She can only do so much and she is busy just trying to stay alive and healthy!!
If we are going to manifest - we need to do this mofo for ourselves.
Let's stop being like leeches and sucking the life out of the Universe and firstly let's love her back to life.
When we have added our energy to the blessings of good health and contributed to a better planet THEN we can align with that good vibe and start to use it to create a better life for ourselves and for the future of our children and everyone else.
This is a bit of a shit on the 'just take' scenario.
I am asking you to give first.
And if all you can do is send out love then that is just perfect.
If you can look after a garden, pull a weed, donate to a charity, look after an elderly person, save an animal from the pet shelter or do without meat for at least ONE DAY A are giving back.
You are changing your vibe to a giving one.
You are manifesting change in the world around you.
So remember the words on the emerald tablet - 'as within so without'.
You cannot create change outside of yourself if your inside is not aligned.
So the saying can be more explicitly stated as “As inside you, so outside of you”. This is the biggest Secret of Life, found inside the tomb. The quote is one of the seven principles of Hermes Trismegistus, author of Hermetic Corpus. As Within, So Without,As above, So below.
The very first aspect of manifesting is to ALIGN YOURSELF with the good that there is in the world.
Move away from as much crap and rubbish as you can that is in your life.
I know this cannot be done by everyone.
But look at what you can change and do it.
If changing one small thing sounds too difficult, then it's just not going to work for you.
It is what it is and it will be exactly as you think it will be.
The bottom line is that it all starts with you.
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
The Magic of Words
Words can be Magical.
They have always had power ever since man created them as a way of communicating with others.
Men of power and men with money learnt how to read and write.
This was another reason why the pen and paper were seen as magical.
We forget how privileged we are to be able to learn these simple skills and what power we can wield with them. Just look at on line bullying!
Words become things and things that can work for you or against you.
Words have a distinct energetic vibrations and when spoken in a sentence, together, with meaning and intent they can create a change that may be subtle or may be enormous.
Once out there those words cannot be taken back in.
The ancients knew the power of words.
They were careful in their spell casting and manifestation work.
Its important to understand that although "sticks and stone may break your bones" WORDS have a power beyond the next part of that rhyme.
They might not kill you but they can and do create change.
Think thrice - say once.
And if you are to write it down then think another three times before you send or print.
As with all good magical workings care needs to be taken with how you evolve your manifesting skills.
Writing spells puts your thoughts into powerful words.
It's a practise we should all be in the habit of performing.
If you are not used to writing positive messages start with affirmations and transcribe them into a journal - one a day.
This simple action will create a new vibration around you and start the change.
Always start simply.
They have always had power ever since man created them as a way of communicating with others.
Men of power and men with money learnt how to read and write.
This was another reason why the pen and paper were seen as magical.
We forget how privileged we are to be able to learn these simple skills and what power we can wield with them. Just look at on line bullying!
Words become things and things that can work for you or against you.
Words have a distinct energetic vibrations and when spoken in a sentence, together, with meaning and intent they can create a change that may be subtle or may be enormous.
Once out there those words cannot be taken back in.
The ancients knew the power of words.
They were careful in their spell casting and manifestation work.
Its important to understand that although "sticks and stone may break your bones" WORDS have a power beyond the next part of that rhyme.
They might not kill you but they can and do create change.
Think thrice - say once.
And if you are to write it down then think another three times before you send or print.
As with all good magical workings care needs to be taken with how you evolve your manifesting skills.
Writing spells puts your thoughts into powerful words.
It's a practise we should all be in the habit of performing.
If you are not used to writing positive messages start with affirmations and transcribe them into a journal - one a day.
This simple action will create a new vibration around you and start the change.
Always start simply.
Sunday, 20 May 2018
Magical Monday...again!
It's magical Monday!
The first day of a new week and another opportunity to reassess where your are with your conjurings, your promises to yourself and your determination to get out of your own way and your own funk!
Let's at least start the week giving it our best shot - shall we!
This weekend taught me some age old lessons, again.
That I say 'yes' to too many things and then pay for it by feeling crap about doing something I really didn't want to and not listening to my gut when it was yelling at me "DON'T DO IT!!!"
But it was a money thing and I felt that I needed to commit to a networking event.
The truth was that I got a big confirmation that this was not my tribe.
They were not my peeps and I need to realise that sometimes doing things because you think you need to ends up being a bad use of your precious time.
Mondays require us to take psychical stock of what we want to achieve this week.
What can use our divine attention most and will work in our favour?
You should have some close Gods and Goddesses you work with this week and today is a good day to greet them into your life and ask them to stand right next to you over the next seven days and be bold with their signs and signals.
The moon is coming up to full on 29th May so we are in the flow of bringing what we want towards us.
Set your intentions for the week ahead at morning tea.
Go for a walk at lunch time and take a moment to breathe and set your targets for yourself.
Remind yourself what your conjuring and spell casting techniques are and choose something simple to do in the next 24 hours.
Start with your focus - what IS IT that you want right now?
When you put your head on the pillow tonight really feel that you have done something to be in charge of your life however small it may have been.
Don't forget to fall asleep with a picture in your head of what you want. Tell yourself in a positive way that all is possible and the more precise you are with what you are asking for the more likely it is that you will get exactly that.
All magic starts with your mind. That is the strongest instrument you have to create a difference in your life. It is the most magical piece of you - you can change your world with it.
The first day of a new week and another opportunity to reassess where your are with your conjurings, your promises to yourself and your determination to get out of your own way and your own funk!
Let's at least start the week giving it our best shot - shall we!
This weekend taught me some age old lessons, again.
That I say 'yes' to too many things and then pay for it by feeling crap about doing something I really didn't want to and not listening to my gut when it was yelling at me "DON'T DO IT!!!"
But it was a money thing and I felt that I needed to commit to a networking event.
The truth was that I got a big confirmation that this was not my tribe.
They were not my peeps and I need to realise that sometimes doing things because you think you need to ends up being a bad use of your precious time.
Mondays require us to take psychical stock of what we want to achieve this week.
What can use our divine attention most and will work in our favour?
You should have some close Gods and Goddesses you work with this week and today is a good day to greet them into your life and ask them to stand right next to you over the next seven days and be bold with their signs and signals.
The moon is coming up to full on 29th May so we are in the flow of bringing what we want towards us.
Set your intentions for the week ahead at morning tea.
Go for a walk at lunch time and take a moment to breathe and set your targets for yourself.
Remind yourself what your conjuring and spell casting techniques are and choose something simple to do in the next 24 hours.
Start with your focus - what IS IT that you want right now?
When you put your head on the pillow tonight really feel that you have done something to be in charge of your life however small it may have been.
Don't forget to fall asleep with a picture in your head of what you want. Tell yourself in a positive way that all is possible and the more precise you are with what you are asking for the more likely it is that you will get exactly that.
All magic starts with your mind. That is the strongest instrument you have to create a difference in your life. It is the most magical piece of you - you can change your world with it.
Friday, 18 May 2018
Crafting for Abundance
So now is the time to use what you have learnt and make it work for you.
You know all about colour and crystals and altar positions.
Crafting for Abundance is more than just a 'one off' petition.
It may take some time.
So don't be put off if after one go at it it hasn't worked for you.
I have found that all good things take time and effort.
EFFORT is the key to success.
Commitment is the way the Universe knows you are ready.
Fist things first -
Get to know your Gods and Goddesses of ABUNDANCE.
Create a relationship with one of them.
There are plenty in all Pantheons.
I've worked with FORTUNA many times before. Fortuna is a Roman deity and there are many aspects of her that I have an affinity for.
Many years ago I even purchased a statuette just like the one below - I love her because she is blinded to whom she gives abundance - she goes with her 'heart' and whether it feels right.
I adore that about Fortuna.
Find a God or Goddess that you can work with and keep that energy going far beyond working one spell. This has to be a conversation and a working relationship that you form with your prosperity muse.
It is a long term affair where you commit to talking and manifesting the connection between this old and ancient energy and what you desire.
Just think of it like this:
Do you think a person who sees you for the very first time would grant you something you are asking them for if they don't even know you?
But if you build that relationship over time - express yourself and commit to a long term desire to learn about them as much as they learn about you, then, the probability grows 1000%.
Don't you think?
Here are a few more:
These deities have been around for thousands of years - they have heard everything!
They want some proof that you are as willing to give at to receive.
Google some images and download one.
Cut it out and pop it somewhere where you can see it daily.
If you can afford a little statuette then buy one to set on your altar.
It's not necessary but if you want to go right ahead.
This is step one on the long road to an abundant future - but hey, you want to be prosperous for the rest of your days don't you?
So let's keep working at it from here on in.
Find out all you can about your God or Goddess.
Learn about who they are, what energies they represent and how that fits for you.
Does it feel right?
If not, change it but once you make up your mind this deity becomes part of your energy system.
You must breathe them in and allow them to be part of your rituals and life commitment.
Ignore them - and they will ignore you.
That is one thing that you must learn and is often not talked about when it comes to true commitment to the path.
Stay true to your Gods and Goddesses.
See you soon.
You know all about colour and crystals and altar positions.
Crafting for Abundance is more than just a 'one off' petition.
It may take some time.
So don't be put off if after one go at it it hasn't worked for you.
I have found that all good things take time and effort.
EFFORT is the key to success.
Commitment is the way the Universe knows you are ready.
Fist things first -
Get to know your Gods and Goddesses of ABUNDANCE.
Create a relationship with one of them.
There are plenty in all Pantheons.
I've worked with FORTUNA many times before. Fortuna is a Roman deity and there are many aspects of her that I have an affinity for.
Many years ago I even purchased a statuette just like the one below - I love her because she is blinded to whom she gives abundance - she goes with her 'heart' and whether it feels right.
I adore that about Fortuna.
Find a God or Goddess that you can work with and keep that energy going far beyond working one spell. This has to be a conversation and a working relationship that you form with your prosperity muse.
It is a long term affair where you commit to talking and manifesting the connection between this old and ancient energy and what you desire.
Just think of it like this:
Do you think a person who sees you for the very first time would grant you something you are asking them for if they don't even know you?
But if you build that relationship over time - express yourself and commit to a long term desire to learn about them as much as they learn about you, then, the probability grows 1000%.
Don't you think?
Here are a few more:
Abundantia – Roman Goddess of prosperity, luck, and abundance. She is the personification of wealth and riches, blessing all who ask to receive her gifts. She is usually depicted as a beautiful maiden carrying a cornucopia from which she distributes food and money. Her image was found on the coins of Roman emperors, and she is known to gamblers as ‘Lady Fortune’ or ‘Lady Luck.’
Anuket – Egyptian Goddess of the Overflow. The personification of the annual flooding of the Nile River, Anuket is worshipped as an agricultural Goddess. She nourishes the field and grains, bringing life, food, and prosperity to the land of Egypt. Her name means embracer, and Her symbols are the cowrie shell, water jugs, the yoni, coins, and fish. As Patroness of the poor, She supplies those in need with wealth and fertility. Anuket is generally depicted as a gazelle, or as a full breasted woman with a reed and ostrich feather headdress.
Habondia – Germanic Earth Goddess. Throughout Northern Europe, Habondia was worshipped as a harvest deity, granting abundance and prosperity to fields, crops and herds. Infinitely generous, She promotes growth in all areas of life.
Inari – Japanese Goddess of Nourishment. Inari is depicted in both male and female form. As a goddess, She is seen as a young woman with long flowing hair; as a god Inari is represented by an old man with a beard. She is the goddess of rice, and the patroness of farmers and merchants. She bestows prosperity and abundance on all who honor Her.
Lakshmi – Hindu Goddess of Prosperity. Lakshmi is the epitome of wealth and abundance in both the material and spiritual realms. She rules prosperity in all its forms, and widely bestows Her gifts to those who are open to receive. Celebrations of Lakshmi are held during the month of October. She is generally pictured wearing red and gold, standing on a blooming lotus with gold coins pouring from Her hands. Full moons are sacred to Her.
Text from The Goddess Guide
First develop a working relationship - don't head straight for the "I want" scenario.These deities have been around for thousands of years - they have heard everything!
They want some proof that you are as willing to give at to receive.
Google some images and download one.
Cut it out and pop it somewhere where you can see it daily.
If you can afford a little statuette then buy one to set on your altar.
It's not necessary but if you want to go right ahead.
This is step one on the long road to an abundant future - but hey, you want to be prosperous for the rest of your days don't you?
So let's keep working at it from here on in.
Learn about who they are, what energies they represent and how that fits for you.
Does it feel right?
If not, change it but once you make up your mind this deity becomes part of your energy system.
You must breathe them in and allow them to be part of your rituals and life commitment.
Ignore them - and they will ignore you.
That is one thing that you must learn and is often not talked about when it comes to true commitment to the path.
Stay true to your Gods and Goddesses.
See you soon.
Everyone is Better than Me!
Everyone is Better than Me!
They can recite the Wiccan Rede by heart.
They have a wardrobe full of colour co-ordinated outfits and stunning silver jewellry.
They know everything about what goes at which point on the altar.
Everyone Is Better than Me!
There is no room in the Coven for an old crone amongst the young shiny ones.
I fumble my words and cannot put together a rhyme for the life of me.
I feel so foolish!
I cannot be open with my family and they make me feel silly for 'dressing up".
I cannot remember if the moon is waxing or is it waning?
My spells are mediocre - I cant afford to be all the ingredients and cannot make them at home.
My family doesn't like the smell of incense.
Everyone is better than Me!
They know the names of all the famous witches who have Facebook pages and 'go live'.
I often feel inferior and it certainly doesn't feel like all 'love and light' to me.
People call me stuck up - because I don't say much.
I do't say much because I'm too scared to end out sounding stupid.
What if I don't know which Goddess does what?
Or what Sabbat is coming up next?
Have you ever felt inferior in your group of witches?
Have you wanted to slink away in a corner when you have turned up in jeans when everyone else is wearing their latest outfit?
Witchy groups are no different than any other group - there will be those that like to lead, and those that quietly follow.
There will be the younger groups and if you look hard enough there will also be groups filled with older witches.
The thing is to try out your tribe and if you feel you don't fit for what ever reason ...go find another one.
There is a reason why some witches remain solitary.
The act of being with others can be too intense.
It can be too confining.
It can be too confronting.
If your journey is to go it alone whether it is because you have felt intimidated by others in the past, then THEY not you have not been coming from a wholesome place.
If your journey is to go it alone because you work better that way it does not make you weaker.
Or any worse than being in a coven.
This path is so varied that you can do and be whoever you want to be.
Go - Search - Be.
They can recite the Wiccan Rede by heart.
They have a wardrobe full of colour co-ordinated outfits and stunning silver jewellry.
They know everything about what goes at which point on the altar.
Everyone Is Better than Me!
There is no room in the Coven for an old crone amongst the young shiny ones.
I fumble my words and cannot put together a rhyme for the life of me.
I feel so foolish!
I cannot be open with my family and they make me feel silly for 'dressing up".
I cannot remember if the moon is waxing or is it waning?
My spells are mediocre - I cant afford to be all the ingredients and cannot make them at home.
My family doesn't like the smell of incense.
Everyone is better than Me!
They know the names of all the famous witches who have Facebook pages and 'go live'.
I often feel inferior and it certainly doesn't feel like all 'love and light' to me.
People call me stuck up - because I don't say much.
I do't say much because I'm too scared to end out sounding stupid.
What if I don't know which Goddess does what?
Or what Sabbat is coming up next?
Have you ever felt inferior in your group of witches?
Have you wanted to slink away in a corner when you have turned up in jeans when everyone else is wearing their latest outfit?
Witchy groups are no different than any other group - there will be those that like to lead, and those that quietly follow.
There will be the younger groups and if you look hard enough there will also be groups filled with older witches.
The thing is to try out your tribe and if you feel you don't fit for what ever reason ...go find another one.
There is a reason why some witches remain solitary.
The act of being with others can be too intense.
It can be too confining.
It can be too confronting.
If your journey is to go it alone whether it is because you have felt intimidated by others in the past, then THEY not you have not been coming from a wholesome place.
If your journey is to go it alone because you work better that way it does not make you weaker.
Or any worse than being in a coven.
This path is so varied that you can do and be whoever you want to be.
Go - Search - Be.
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Remember why you are Doing this!
Who led you down this path in the first place?
Was is a family member that you are following?
Was it a friend who found the path and got you interested?
Did you go exploring and come upon a book that started you reading about the old ways?
Was there a course available in your local town and you decided to go in and just check it out?
Maybe when you started you had this amazing idea of what following the path might look like.
Maybe it was all about the clothing, incense and buying candles.
It may have been about the magical side and creating spells to gain more control over your life?
Was it about the ritualistic side of witchcraft?
A movie may have set your spark alight.
Whatever it was I wonder if you still look at it all the same way?
Has your learning progressed and are you living by the tenets of the Craft?
As we mature and our lives change our views of witchcraft and it's position in our lives also changes.
For some of us the connection just grows deeper and into another level of commitment.
For others it becomes superfluous and has done it's task in filling an emptiness that we felt at a particular time in our lives.
It may be time for you to look deeply into your belief around witchcraft and to observe your growth.
It may be a time of reassessment of the value you place in what the teachings are and if they do serve you or whether you might be going through the motions but actually not achieving that sense that you have found the right way.
Maybe its time to mix it up and stretch your witchy wings?
Time to teach others or change covens or go back to learning at a deeper level and not sitting still in what you know and telling yourself that it is enough.
Wherever you are on your journey take a step to the side and observe yourself.
Look with the eyes of a stranger.
Ask yourself why you do it and how you do it and to what end.\
Was is a family member that you are following?
Was it a friend who found the path and got you interested?
Did you go exploring and come upon a book that started you reading about the old ways?
Was there a course available in your local town and you decided to go in and just check it out?
Maybe when you started you had this amazing idea of what following the path might look like.
Maybe it was all about the clothing, incense and buying candles.
It may have been about the magical side and creating spells to gain more control over your life?
Was it about the ritualistic side of witchcraft?
A movie may have set your spark alight.
Whatever it was I wonder if you still look at it all the same way?
Has your learning progressed and are you living by the tenets of the Craft?
As we mature and our lives change our views of witchcraft and it's position in our lives also changes.
For some of us the connection just grows deeper and into another level of commitment.
For others it becomes superfluous and has done it's task in filling an emptiness that we felt at a particular time in our lives.
It may be time for you to look deeply into your belief around witchcraft and to observe your growth.
It may be a time of reassessment of the value you place in what the teachings are and if they do serve you or whether you might be going through the motions but actually not achieving that sense that you have found the right way.
Maybe its time to mix it up and stretch your witchy wings?
Time to teach others or change covens or go back to learning at a deeper level and not sitting still in what you know and telling yourself that it is enough.
Wherever you are on your journey take a step to the side and observe yourself.
Look with the eyes of a stranger.
Ask yourself why you do it and how you do it and to what end.\
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
The Dark Moon
The Dark Moon is the pause where we assimilate everything we experienced in the closing moon cycle. It is where the real growth occurs.
It is where the wisdom of the ending cycle settles into our Souls & our spirits.
Without taking this moment of pause, we are missing this important integration of all our work & all our growth from the previous moon cycle.
In our modern society we can lose the tradition of observing the Dark Moon.
In so many facets of life we’ve dismissed this vital moment of pause. We rarely stop & rest when we complete one thing before moving on to the next.
We’re such a forward-looking culture; we’re constantly looking at what’s next, what’s the next thing on my To Do list, what’s happening next. Rarely do we give ourselves these crucial moments of pause & reflection before diving in to the next thing coming.
But in losing these pauses, we’re also losing this vital time where we absorb & assimilate lessons learned & wisdom gained from our experiences. We’re missing this crucial component of our personal growth.
So I want to encourage you to spend some time at the end of this week, observing the Dark Moon. Some witches say that its a time not to do any crafting during nights of the dark moon.
I would tend to say that its a great time for crafting!
Its a time for digging into oneself and explore what needs to be removed as opposed to be integrated.
Its a time for shielding and protecting what is yours.
To bring in the energy and to nurture it.
Part of me is like the dark Moon
It seeks solace and introspection in those days where no light shines upon the Earth
It can be deep within me - hidden away from everyone
It is safe inside of me as long as I keep it tempered and controlled.
It is safe to be dark at times.
It is OK to craft my life whilst the moon is dark
Because it matches my soul.
Monday, 14 May 2018
Givers and Takers
They sent me on a fast tracked guilt trip down misery road with a spitfire attack on "how could you"!!!
How could I change times and dates on them when they had made arrangements!
How could I make them be inconvenienced!
Of course there is more to this but I wont go into it - suffice to say, that my point here is, that, I have always been a 'giver' and givers get hooked and get their buttons pushed by people who are good at attacking with guilt.
And yes...I felt the emotional turmoil of letting someone down, someone I didn't even know but that really didn't matter.
I was hooked into the same old role play - I was a giver and I had not fulfilled my role in giving them what they wanted.
I have fought this role my whole life.
My mother was very good at making sure I was kept in an infinite cycle of guilt my whole youth.
This imprinted me with a need to fulfil the life of others.
This made me a pawn in games controlled by other people and making terrible decisions based on what other people wanted.
As nature would have it some people just are givers and some are takers.
I learnt how to say 'no' terribly late in life and even when I do - it still feels awful.
I am letting people down.
Givers have a way of being in the world.
Givers react by often backing down, feeling guilty and doing for others out of a sense that they owe the world.
Takers have a way of being in the world.
Takers work by creating friction, dis-empowering, putting themselves first and serving up guilt in spadefuls.
Ah - there we have a balance!
Of some sorts.It works for the takers -but not the givers.
Givers often end up feeling shit and worthless for being sucked in all the time and takers bask in glory but will often still feel like shit because they will never ever feel as though they have enough of anything.
Needless to say that neither end of this scale is a good place to be.
It is a place of incredible energy sapping of all those who are in the vicinity of these sorts of givers and takers.
Both are energy vampires in their own weirded out way.
Part of crafting your life means that you learn which one you are - and I reckon you are a giver as a taker wouldn't be reading this!!
As I have learnt, you can only give so much and then you are empty.
That emptiness leads to anxiety and depression.
If there is ONE THING that a giver needs to learn it's to GIVE TAKERS A WIDE BERTH!
Learn to recognise when you are in the loop of anxiety filled living trying constantly to fulfil someone else's agenda.
Save your energy. Remember what Henry Ford once said:
Breathe and say:
I am as important as anyone else.
I am allowed to say 'no'.
It may make me twinge or feel a little insecure to say 'no' but it's still OK to do so.
If it doesn't feel right I shouldn't be made to do it without good reason to.
More about energy vampires tomorrow.
Sunday, 13 May 2018
Energy and Focus
Monday lends itself to a new start and a new feel for the week ahead and I really want to focus my energy and YOUR energy, more importantly, on what can be a life changing strategy.
As hard as it may be to be always fixated on staying positive remember that when you are crafting your life you need to be aware of where your mind sits.
Now, in saying that, I recognise that we are all only human and we will consistently be challenged with life's worries and difficulties.
Some of us have few opportunities for change.
Some have little resources.
Some are stuck in the roundabout of life where nothing seems to change from day to day.
Some of us are in relationships that offer no support, or even worse, make us feel quite silly if we go on to try and weave some magic into our existence.
One thing though that none of this can truly control is....our thoughts.
Our own internal dialogue.
All of the above can influence the WAY we think and thus the WAY WE FEEL.
But it CANNOT control the way we think.
Only we can control how we think and what we think about.
This is where your power of influence sits, dear one.
And it may sound incredibly simple to say just be positive but we all know it is much harder to do.
How does one change a lifetime's worth of self deprecating thought patterns influenced by your upbringing, bad luck, difficult situations and life's constant challenges?
How can you 'think positive' when your life seems to be crumbling around you?
The ONLY way to do so is to WALK THE WALK one step at a time.
You have chosen to be an influence in your own life.
You have chosen to be an influence ON your own life.
By being a crafter of magic you must learn to do more than light a candle and think that the job is done.
A crafter of magic weaves their life with every thought and deed.
So let us all start this Monday.
Right now.
Step into your mind.
Breathe in and say, "I, and only I, am the creator of my thoughts and my feelings".
"I, and only I, choose where my energy goes and what I focus on"
"I choose to be in control of my thoughts and I chose to craft my life with positive intent".
Step One completed.
More tomorrow.
As hard as it may be to be always fixated on staying positive remember that when you are crafting your life you need to be aware of where your mind sits.
Now, in saying that, I recognise that we are all only human and we will consistently be challenged with life's worries and difficulties.
Some of us have few opportunities for change.
Some have little resources.
Some are stuck in the roundabout of life where nothing seems to change from day to day.
Some of us are in relationships that offer no support, or even worse, make us feel quite silly if we go on to try and weave some magic into our existence.
One thing though that none of this can truly control is....our thoughts.
Our own internal dialogue.
All of the above can influence the WAY we think and thus the WAY WE FEEL.
But it CANNOT control the way we think.
Only we can control how we think and what we think about.
This is where your power of influence sits, dear one.
And it may sound incredibly simple to say just be positive but we all know it is much harder to do.
How does one change a lifetime's worth of self deprecating thought patterns influenced by your upbringing, bad luck, difficult situations and life's constant challenges?
How can you 'think positive' when your life seems to be crumbling around you?
The ONLY way to do so is to WALK THE WALK one step at a time.
You have chosen to be an influence in your own life.
You have chosen to be an influence ON your own life.
By being a crafter of magic you must learn to do more than light a candle and think that the job is done.
A crafter of magic weaves their life with every thought and deed.
So let us all start this Monday.
Right now.
Step into your mind.
Breathe in and say, "I, and only I, am the creator of my thoughts and my feelings".
"I, and only I, choose where my energy goes and what I focus on"
"I choose to be in control of my thoughts and I chose to craft my life with positive intent".
Step One completed.
More tomorrow.
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