Friday, 15 February 2019
What is Magickal Thinking and can it help me?
Magical thinking is the belief that one's ideas, thoughts, wishes, or actions can influence the course of events in the physical world.
If you look at Google - there are not many kind words said about 'magical thinking'.
In a nutshell, we are told that, well...we are delusional if we think that we can change the course of our life by thinking it into existence.
Psychology Today says:"Magical thinking is defined as believing that one event happens as a result of another without a plausible link of causation. For example: "I got up on the left side of the bed today; therefore it will rain."
The problem with this definition, however, is that exactly what constitutes "a plausible link of causation" can be difficult to pin down. If we were to take this phrase to its logical extreme, we'd have to consider a belief in anything that hasn't been scientifically proven to represent magical thinking.
On the other hand, rejecting the use of any and all criteria with which to judge cause and effect leaves us vulnerable to believing that anything can cause anything—or even worse, that an effect can occur without a cause at all."
If we are faced with this type of objection to believing that magic can be of substance in our world and our life, how can we allow ourselves to believe that it can actually work.
Does it also mean that our core beliefs must first shift before we have any real results?
We might think we are thinking magically - but are we really?
Maybe we just are going through the motions, but deep down what we truly believe is that we are just 'having ourselves on'?
True belief in magickal thinking (yes, I've added a 'k') means that we have to believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is a force that we can harness to make the world do what we want it to.
It means that we must also believe that we have some amount of power and control over what happens to us and what we can make happen.
Magical thinking must also include magickal manifesting and magickal believing to create a magical outcome.
It's simply no good to just think magickally if we do not act upon it in a way that can positively add to our lives.
We need proof.
We want to know that it works.
This means an all encompassing belief that our thoughts can create and manifest changes in the world around us. I know I have just said that - but I need to really allow it to sink is as the very base point of beginning.
For magickal thinking to be effective we have to challenge our core beliefs and our sceptical mind.
Our mind must be clear of guilt and shame in what we are doing.
We have to understand what has come before - our family, our religious beliefs, our circumstances, and make amends with all of that.
We begin again.
This is the first step in creating magick - it's giving ourselves permission in spite of everything that has come before.
Even though.
In spite of.
Our untapped abilities are there to be harnessed and used for our betterment and for the opportunity to make this world a better place and to have a place in it for ourselves.
Are you ready?
Do you want to?
We may have already been trying our whole lives at this point.
But, let's try again shall we.
What is there to lose.
Dig deeper than ever before.
I hope you can look more deeply into magickal thinking as a positive, not a negative, and think outside your assigned or limiting 'box'.
There you will find yourself and your way.
Let your intuition guide you to your teachers and to your study.
We can change anytime we wish to make it so.
Deeply and profoundly.
Thursday, 31 January 2019
Creating a Magickal Life - Too much WOO WOO??
When is woo woo and promises too much woo woo and promises?
When have some Facebook Marketers crossed the line by using 'spirituality' as just another new money making spin?
I think I've seen it of few times too many lately. There is so much out there when you start to look and your beliefs are a sacred element of you. When they are triggered you are likely to either become really sucked in or you run a million miles.
What I worry about is the promise that this new found way of making money, as long as you 'release all negativity and look at money as being a spiritual gift that you deserve' - this is the missing piece to solve all financial problems.
We know it is not.
It can be an illusion if we cannot get a grip on the realness of our personal situations.
Marketeers need to hustle - and they need to make you hustle. You cannot sit back in your easy chair and make millions on line.
Some will.
Most everybody else wont.
Marketing is marketing - masquerading it and putting a ribbon on top by saying we are all being spiritual about it is foolish.
I have seen people spinning out from receiving information from some people first hand that leaves them overwhelmed and ungrounded. Oh my goodness - the language used is simply so cute yet so wrong.
Marketeers are aiming for the heart making people feel that they are all potential Gods and Goddesses and have the capacity to turn their lives around on a penny.
That is not going to happen if you have issues that need proper real life solutions.
People find these 'tribes' that seem gloriously accepting of how amazing they are and that is now where they want to be. These tribes are just more tools to keep taking money out of the vulnerable
(at times).
Not all.
Not all....please its not ALL OF THEM.
But it is some.
And if you cannot keep up with making the same amount as other 'students' then does that make you feel better or worse?
Does it motivate or humiliate the very vulnerable?
Does all of this woo woo delivered by glamorous presenters guaranteeing six figure bank balances really ring true?
I know, I know..
I should just move on and not watch.
I have a choice.
I can choose to click unlike.
I am hopeful that if people reach out to these wonderful people that they are treated on a person to person capacity.
I hope that it reaches the right ears at the right time and is of benefit to the few that are there at that point where it makes total sense.
I hope that those who realise that it is not for them take what is motivational and do not try to go beyond their capacity to cover their needs before spending money on something they cannot use.
I hope this spiritual business model is also ethical.
Monday, 31 December 2018
A Witch's Road Less Travelled
January 2019
What do people look for in witchcraft?
Does it fulfil a spiritual need that can no longer be fulfilled by mainstream religions?
Is it about the feeling that you are part of a unique tribe of like minded thinkers?
Is it rebellion against society and it's pigeon holing of people?
For women, it may be a place that is empowering to them as it focuses on the feminine.
My dedication to the road less travelled saved my sanity about 30 years ago.
I was looking for a harbour in the shit storm that was my life.
My relationship was an abusive shambles.
I had a young baby.
I had been bullied all my life for being fat and not pretty enough.
I had no idea of how to stand up to myself.
I had no self esteem.
I'd come out of anorexia.
I was a mess.
And most of those problems were of my own making.
Grasping at straws.
I floated in and out of witchcraft as it was just too hard to combat renouncing my Catholicism whilst still in my marriage. My strict Catholic parents, who had kept me on a tight structured leash my whole life, still had a huge unhealthy influence on me even into my 20's.
I had been bought up in the times when you were to be 'seen, but not heard' and it was no big deal to feel the back hand from your father if you dared speak up or talk back.
Witchcraft was something that I had been interested in since I could pick up books.
My background is Eastern European - pagan roots were deeply embedded in my soul.
It felt like home and I could not understand why my parents taught me some of the old ways, but did not want me to believe in them.
It was just for 'show'.
It allowed for others of my nationality to have a festival day - but then we went back to our Christian ways.
All I had to do was find my way back.
It was going to happen.
I promised myself that - there would come a time when I was free to be me.
That chaotic time of my life built space, as it totally destroyed me.
That destruction allowed for rebuilding.
It tore up the paperwork that was my life.
Within that heartache I didn't believe in anything.
God allowed this pain?
Yes - we were meant to suffer because we were born of original sin.
This was not for me.
I could not take another step forward with this mindset.
The rebuilding finally came when I relinquished all connections with my Catholic upbringing and stopped being scared of the consequences of what would happen (lovely Catholic guilt - as I call it).
As I left my marriage and stepped foot onto a lonely road on my own, I still heard, in my head, the voices of my parents who said to me "you made your bed - you can sleep in it" when I asked them for help.
A good Catholic girl didn't divorce - what a scandal on the family!
I was unfit.
I could not even keep a marriage together - you just stayed married no matter how hard life was.
My mother was horrified.
She had lived in a dysfunctional marriage - so should I.
I dove deeply into paganism and witchcraft and into learning about the darkness that many people don't touch - the dark side of the psyche.
I dove into trying to understand how I got to where I was and how I was going to get out of that incredibly painful place.
I started to put myself together.
Re-crafting my life was secret.
I did not venture out publicly for another 10 years. I joined a local witch meetup group.
I felt welcomed and at home.
I bought the crystals and the cape - I attended rituals and learnt to be a witch within a public setting.
It was painful.
There were people here who could hurt as much as what I encountered in my own marriage.
I persisted.
Topics discussed never ventured beyond 'white magic'.
That was fine but I needed more.
I was stuck in a witchcraft that did not seem genuine to me - it lacked depth.
I needed it to build character and fortitude, not just give me a full draw of crystals and a pile of pretty books.
I was still in a turbulent ocean and sinking.
I needed an anchor - not a life buoy.
I needed to dive deep down and discover what was underneath the waves not just keep floating on the top.
I rarely found personal stories to read.
Mostly, what material was available, was about the same subjects just in a different orders - the wheel of the year, different uses for crystals, basic spell work, dreams etc.
Then I found tarot.
Tarot allowed me to use my mind to explore the psychology of each card and to translate the pictures going deeper and deeper.
I could see my life in the cards.
All of the things I had been through were there.
My life in those cards.
I now knew which path to take and as those cards and witchcraft led me to a deeper understanding of all things.
When the student is ready the teacher appears.
So very true.
Maybe, my thought is that, that some of my lessons may be useful to you too - so I hope to share more during the coming months.
Maybe you too are after something a little meatier?
Let me know.
Otherwise, I am just writing for my own therapy - and that's OK too.
Sunday, 16 December 2018
How do I know that I am a witch?
I have seen many of these type of questions most recently on different sites specifically sent in by new ones on this journey or those who may feel ill equipped to tackle sites, spaces and covens filled with groups of people who are not making it clear as to the 'criteria' involved in their view of what it is to be a witch.
Now, before you go all crazy arse on me for that statement, I want to make it clear that I do not believe that there are special criteria involved in 'becoming' a man or woman on this path.
There are too many groups who make it hard.
Too many steps and too many ritualistic bridges to cross.
I know that for many starting up covens and groups may be the right way to go and if that is you tread carefully.
Choose a group that treats everyone equally and doesn't allow internal conflict.
Wicca has elements of structure that I no longer wish to follow (although, I will say, that it was a part of my life for many years until the women in these covens showed me their true souls and I left time and time again) and also, leaving that behind was a required part of my evolution to get me to where I find myself now.
No one can really make you a witch just as no one can make you a Catholic.
You can go through rituals in both.
You can be born into a family of witches or Catholics (or any other religious belief) but, because you call yourself one - are you really?
You can only be whatever you choose to call yourself if you, yourself give yourself totally to that path.
If you are feeling called to identify as a witch then blessings to you - Goddess knows we need more of you right now.
There is great change afoot.
We are all unravelling.
We are falling apart to make space for the great work of rebuilding.
The Earth and the energies of this planet MUST be protected by us.
So, if you are up for this challenge and do want to follow this road, be prepared to stand up and ACT.
No fluffy shit.
No mindless following of others without questioning.
Prepare to be singular.
To be strong in the face of all adversity and ridicule.
Prepare to be the change you want to see.
Walk your talk.
If you identify as a witch then act like one.
Keep it simple and stay silent.
No one needs to know what is in your heart and STOP ASKING IF YOU ARE ONE.
Do not second guess what your ancestors are calling you to do.
Not everyone hears these whispers -if YOU DO, you have been chosen.
I know what those whispers sound like - they are a drum that does not shut up until you say "yes".
If your soul is crying out to you then listen to it.
Read good material.
Follow leaders who are not enmeshed in ego or ask you to turn cartwheels to fit into their views or their covens.
Do not do anything you are uncomfortable in doing just to belong.
You are hearing the whispers.
And that is OK.
Take an oath, personally , quietly, to follow this path for a year and a day and so so with total and absolute commitment.
There does not need to be a ritual.
You do not require a song and dance - if you choose not to.
Just a space in time when you answer the call.
Then, make up your mind if you have been a 'witch', if you have lived by the truths you feel belong to that ethos. Have you become the person you are proud to be, have you helped others, have you made a change in who you live and walk upon this Earth.
Have you healed yourself or begun to.
Has it made you feel whole?
May your journey be sweet dear ones and let's change the world together.
Now, before you go all crazy arse on me for that statement, I want to make it clear that I do not believe that there are special criteria involved in 'becoming' a man or woman on this path.
There are too many groups who make it hard.
Too many steps and too many ritualistic bridges to cross.
I know that for many starting up covens and groups may be the right way to go and if that is you tread carefully.
Choose a group that treats everyone equally and doesn't allow internal conflict.
Wicca has elements of structure that I no longer wish to follow (although, I will say, that it was a part of my life for many years until the women in these covens showed me their true souls and I left time and time again) and also, leaving that behind was a required part of my evolution to get me to where I find myself now.
No one can really make you a witch just as no one can make you a Catholic.
You can go through rituals in both.
You can be born into a family of witches or Catholics (or any other religious belief) but, because you call yourself one - are you really?
You can only be whatever you choose to call yourself if you, yourself give yourself totally to that path.
If you are feeling called to identify as a witch then blessings to you - Goddess knows we need more of you right now.
There is great change afoot.
We are all unravelling.
We are falling apart to make space for the great work of rebuilding.
The Earth and the energies of this planet MUST be protected by us.
So, if you are up for this challenge and do want to follow this road, be prepared to stand up and ACT.
No fluffy shit.
No mindless following of others without questioning.
Prepare to be singular.
To be strong in the face of all adversity and ridicule.
Prepare to be the change you want to see.
Walk your talk.
If you identify as a witch then act like one.
Keep it simple and stay silent.
No one needs to know what is in your heart and STOP ASKING IF YOU ARE ONE.
Do not second guess what your ancestors are calling you to do.
Not everyone hears these whispers -if YOU DO, you have been chosen.
I know what those whispers sound like - they are a drum that does not shut up until you say "yes".
If your soul is crying out to you then listen to it.
Read good material.
Follow leaders who are not enmeshed in ego or ask you to turn cartwheels to fit into their views or their covens.
Do not do anything you are uncomfortable in doing just to belong.
You are hearing the whispers.
And that is OK.
Take an oath, personally , quietly, to follow this path for a year and a day and so so with total and absolute commitment.
There does not need to be a ritual.
You do not require a song and dance - if you choose not to.
Just a space in time when you answer the call.
Then, make up your mind if you have been a 'witch', if you have lived by the truths you feel belong to that ethos. Have you become the person you are proud to be, have you helped others, have you made a change in who you live and walk upon this Earth.
Have you healed yourself or begun to.
Has it made you feel whole?
May your journey be sweet dear ones and let's change the world together.
Sunday, 11 November 2018
Witchy Manifesting
As I will so Mote it Be!
Do you really believe that?
Do you believe those words.
For manifesting to occur and for you to have the capacity to create your reality you must make those words come to life for you.
You need to persist until they are believed.
Doubt in them will so a seed of fear that you have no power.
That you are just faking it.
Lying to yourself.
That is one of the core requirements.
I like Aleister Crowley's explanation of magick -
Do you really believe that?
Do you believe those words.
For manifesting to occur and for you to have the capacity to create your reality you must make those words come to life for you.
You need to persist until they are believed.
Doubt in them will so a seed of fear that you have no power.
That you are just faking it.
Lying to yourself.
That is one of the core requirements.
I like Aleister Crowley's explanation of magick -
Magick, in the context of Aleister Crowley's Thelema, is a term used to show and differentiate the occult from performance magic and is defined as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will", including both "mundane" acts of will as well as ritual magic.
If we ponder that for a moment before we get all feisty and try to make impossible changes let start with the mundane and things closer to home and little creative master peices that we can get an handle on and that can slowly confirm our power to ourselves.
Finishing things that have lain dormant for years.
Clearing and de-cluttering to make way room for the new.
Ending relationships that foul our lives.
Changing the life of one other person by random acts of kindness
Learning more about your path.
These small seemingly mundane day to day happenings pave the way to bigger and greater things as time goes by.
Starting off with causing change to conform with one's will doesn't always mean the big and bold.
In fact, it is much less likely to happen 'big and bold' if you cannot muster the control of the small and insignificant (to others).
The hardest lesson to learn is control of oneself in one's own matters.
Get a grip on your life so that you feel the sway of magick slowly running through every fibre of your body.
Monday, 10 September 2018
Finally I arrived at my 'home' away from home today in Glastonbury.
When I saw the Tor on the hill looming over the landscape, my heart missed a beat I was so excited.
My travelling companion had not been before so she was unaware of what was waiting.
A little in shock and overwhelmed by the energy of just being in the area we arrived at the Covenstead on Magdeline Street and did a lot of 'oohh' and 'ahh' as we were led into this amazing bed and breakfast and then shown our room.
We have been allocated the "Arthurian Room' which is gigantic with 2 double beds.
We are so very lucky to be spoilt by having a bed each and also we got parking space out the back.
If you have never been to the Covenstead it is truly a magickal place within a magickal place.
Do yourself a favour and stay - even one night. It is filled with glorious witchy stuff and they encourage you to touch and read.
After a quick rest we headed down to the shops, only 2 minutes walk away, and started to wander in and out of shops and absorb the atmosphere of Glastonbury.
2 hours later we have been to about half of them but we arrived late today and shops close between 5pm and 5.30pm.
So tomorrow is another shopping day.
More importantly we will be visiting the Chalice Well and the White Well tomorrow for some magickal vibes.
When I saw the Tor on the hill looming over the landscape, my heart missed a beat I was so excited.
My travelling companion had not been before so she was unaware of what was waiting.
A little in shock and overwhelmed by the energy of just being in the area we arrived at the Covenstead on Magdeline Street and did a lot of 'oohh' and 'ahh' as we were led into this amazing bed and breakfast and then shown our room.
We have been allocated the "Arthurian Room' which is gigantic with 2 double beds.
We are so very lucky to be spoilt by having a bed each and also we got parking space out the back.
If you have never been to the Covenstead it is truly a magickal place within a magickal place.
Do yourself a favour and stay - even one night. It is filled with glorious witchy stuff and they encourage you to touch and read.
After a quick rest we headed down to the shops, only 2 minutes walk away, and started to wander in and out of shops and absorb the atmosphere of Glastonbury.
2 hours later we have been to about half of them but we arrived late today and shops close between 5pm and 5.30pm.
So tomorrow is another shopping day.
More importantly we will be visiting the Chalice Well and the White Well tomorrow for some magickal vibes.
Sunday, 2 September 2018
So close I can almost smell it...England!
Bags are packed.
Money in my wallet.
Passport ready.
Tomorrow I head to Sydney for a final bit of work and Tuesday afternoon I will be leaving Australia to a long and agonizing sit in a big tin can in the sky.
But...that tin can is taking me to England and to some of my favourite witchy places.
So I am happy to suffer.
Really, we cannot complain air travel is amazing and we are so lucky to be able to get to the other side of the world in 24 hours.
Firstly I hit London, where I am heading straight to Treadwell's, Watkin's books and ATLANTIS!!!!
the Atlantis bookshop is the oldest esoteric bookshop in England.
I am so very excited to see this shop.
Then I head out to join a bus tour of Pendle Hill and I follow the story of the Pendle Hill witch trials.
We are also going to join in some ghost hunting there and experience some old fashioned table tipping. Little do they know were run our own seances and are well versed in this magickal way of connecting with the departed.
The we are driving back down down Galstonbury and immersing ourselves (I am travelling with a bestie) in all things witchy there and also Cornwall is on the agenda and ofcourse, the Witches Museum.
So many photos and live feeds to come.
Please head to my Facebook page:
To check out my witchy adventure and see loads of photos of all of those magickal spots that most of us just spend our lives dreaming and reading about.
My accommodation at Glastonbury is the Covenstead:
Can I just say that this place is amazing!!
The shopping on the main strip is to die for and you just want to buy EVERYTHING!!
I will pop back into Chalice Well of course too -
For me this trip is a rejuvenation and a reapplication of my commitment to my path.
I can refresh my energies and fill myself up with the energies that can be found in these places that have deep roots to our ancestors and to the ways of the old ones.
I need this - I so need this.
So much has happened this year that has been unpleasant and disruptive.
People have left me down and made promises that they had no intention of keeping.
I have had a car accident that wrote off a car that I could happily have driven for another 10 years.
My beautiful puppy dog almost died 2 weeks ago and broke our heart with anxiety and worry for the little sweetheart.
He is OK now but just before my trip but all of my money that I saved to go overseas with was spent on his vert bills.
Life got challenging on many occasions - but in the end, I just got on with it and got through it because that's what we witches do.
As I grow older and know that I now have less years ahead than more every moment on this Earth becomes precious and there is a massive need for me to make the most of it.
I dig deeper than ever before and I need to find my place.
I need to find myself.
Walking in the same steps of my ancient witch ancestors makes me feel alive and I am totally connected and understand where I belong.
There is a beautiful sense of being one with everything.
Blessed be to you all.
Money in my wallet.
Passport ready.
Tomorrow I head to Sydney for a final bit of work and Tuesday afternoon I will be leaving Australia to a long and agonizing sit in a big tin can in the sky.
But...that tin can is taking me to England and to some of my favourite witchy places.
So I am happy to suffer.
Really, we cannot complain air travel is amazing and we are so lucky to be able to get to the other side of the world in 24 hours.
Firstly I hit London, where I am heading straight to Treadwell's, Watkin's books and ATLANTIS!!!!
the Atlantis bookshop is the oldest esoteric bookshop in England.
I am so very excited to see this shop.
Then I head out to join a bus tour of Pendle Hill and I follow the story of the Pendle Hill witch trials.
We are also going to join in some ghost hunting there and experience some old fashioned table tipping. Little do they know were run our own seances and are well versed in this magickal way of connecting with the departed.
The we are driving back down down Galstonbury and immersing ourselves (I am travelling with a bestie) in all things witchy there and also Cornwall is on the agenda and ofcourse, the Witches Museum.
So many photos and live feeds to come.
Please head to my Facebook page:
To check out my witchy adventure and see loads of photos of all of those magickal spots that most of us just spend our lives dreaming and reading about.
My accommodation at Glastonbury is the Covenstead:
Can I just say that this place is amazing!!
The shopping on the main strip is to die for and you just want to buy EVERYTHING!!
I will pop back into Chalice Well of course too -
For me this trip is a rejuvenation and a reapplication of my commitment to my path.
I can refresh my energies and fill myself up with the energies that can be found in these places that have deep roots to our ancestors and to the ways of the old ones.
I need this - I so need this.
So much has happened this year that has been unpleasant and disruptive.
People have left me down and made promises that they had no intention of keeping.
I have had a car accident that wrote off a car that I could happily have driven for another 10 years.
My beautiful puppy dog almost died 2 weeks ago and broke our heart with anxiety and worry for the little sweetheart.
He is OK now but just before my trip but all of my money that I saved to go overseas with was spent on his vert bills.
Life got challenging on many occasions - but in the end, I just got on with it and got through it because that's what we witches do.
As I grow older and know that I now have less years ahead than more every moment on this Earth becomes precious and there is a massive need for me to make the most of it.
I dig deeper than ever before and I need to find my place.
I need to find myself.
Walking in the same steps of my ancient witch ancestors makes me feel alive and I am totally connected and understand where I belong.
There is a beautiful sense of being one with everything.
Blessed be to you all.
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What is Magickal Thinking and can it help me?
Magical thinking is the belief that one's ideas, thoughts , wishes, or actions can influence the course of events in the physical ...

What if all of this manifesting isn't working? What if for today you cannot muster any positive vibes...or thoughts? You are just too ...
January 2019 What do people look for in witchcraft? Does it fulfil a spiritual need that can no longer be fulfilled by mainstream reli...
The moon is still a slither of silver in the night sky. It is growing and so should our thoughts be wandering towards what we are wishing t...